Autor Tema: Sve o igrama za PC  (Posjeta: 308514 )

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #60 : 29.07.2009. 12:17:44 »
Ja sam mislio da se povezem sa nekim, bilo kim ko ceka da se neko zakaci sa njim. ;D
Posto ne verujem da niko od mojih ortaka igra ovo.
Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol Warrior: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Mongol General: Good!

Offline Wennen

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #61 : 29.07.2009. 12:25:04 »
Pa postoji dosta piratskih servera, nisam ih probavao jer ne volim da igram sa random ljudima...
To su sobe napravljene na tom LAN emulatoru, ako hoces mogu da potrazim kako se zovu neke,
moguce da ima ljudi tamo, ali ja ti nudim da igras protiv mene...
Juce sam cepao ceo dan sa ortakom a i sad mi se igra...  :P

Offline hmmmmm

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #62 : 29.07.2009. 13:23:48 »
Treba ti program koji se zove Hamachi i koji emulira LAN preko interneta,
da ga skines, instaliras i podesis - to sve ne traje duze od 5 minuta, jako je jednostavno..
Osim toga: jel imas igru ili treba da instaliras? I jel imas msn da se lakse dogovorimo i da ti
posaljem Hamachi... Uz pomoc istog programa sam igrao online sa ortacima Star Wars Battlefront 2
prvo nije htelo da radi, pa smo uspeli u 5 ujutru iz ko-zna-kog pokusaja, kako sam se prodrao tad  :\)

svi su mi se izbudili u kuci  :\)

ajd probat cu danas malo kasnije to sve. dodat cu te na msn pa se cujemo. jel tvoj msn ovaj iz profila

Offline Wennen

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #63 : 29.07.2009. 13:41:41 »
Jeste taj msn... Evo sad smo igrali Delrey i ja, radi ko sat :)
Samo imam jako malo karata jer sam tek instalirao...

@Homer Simpson  ??? imas opciju uredi pa mozes ispraviti greske umesto sto ih objasnjavas u novom postu ;D
mada mozes i ovako, nasmejalo me  ;)

E da, stao mi mozak, pa decko je postavio linkove za igru hahaha
a jbg, to se ne sme  :-\
« Zadnja izmjena: 29.07.2009. 13:49:13 Wennen »

Offline heller

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #64 : 30.07.2009. 00:15:20 »
Francuski proizvođač video igara Ubisoft najavio je da će napraviti video igru čiji će glavni junak morati da se izbori s bivšim momcima devojke u koju je zaljubljen pre nego što osvoji njeno srce.

Video igra je napravljena na osnovu scenarija za film "Skot Pilgrim protiv sveta" (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) u produkciji Juniverzal studija koji bi trebalo da se prikazuje sledeće godine, saopštio je Ubisoft.
"Igra će sadržati sve elemente filma: akciju, ljubavnu priču, i politički nekorektne reference na pop i rok kulturu", izjavio je Kristijan Salomon iz Ubisofta.
Priča za film je izvučena iz istoimenog stripa čiji junak, gitarista Skot Pilgrim, veruje da je našao ženu svojih snova, ali mora prvo da se suoči s njenim bivšim momcima, zlim likovima koji žele da ga ubiju.
Očekuje se da će se video igra, kao i film, na tržištu pojaviti sledeće godine.

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #65 : 08.08.2009. 08:35:18 »
Je li ko probao Tom Clancy's EndWar ? Ja sam poceo da je igram i nenormalno sam se navukao, odavno nisam nasao neki RTS da me toliko privlaci da igram ( jos od warcraft 3 kojeg jos igram i danas kad se ima vremena ). Za sve ljubitelje RTS-a preporucujem ovu igru.
Naime u igri postoje 3 armija USA/ evropa / i naravno rusi bez kojih nijedna moderna strat. ne moze da prodje, zapocet je  WW III, i polako pocinje tabanje. :) da predjem malo na gameplay. imate mapu sveta (nesto slicno drustvenoj igri riziko) i svako ima po jedan krug napada, u barakama poboljsavate jedinice, dok u zaristu borbe birajte jedinice i shibate se sa protivnickim (sto bi bilo i logicno :) ) s vremena na vreme mozete da dobijete pojacanje ako imate resursa.
Eh da, zaboravio sam jos jednu veoma vaznu stvar :) komandovanje jedinicama moze da se vrsi preko mikrofona sto je veoma zabavno, ali ne bih preporucio onima koji igraju dok im neko spava u susednoj sobi ;)  u zaru borbe ne mozete da kontrolisete jacinu glasa  smileyNO1
"The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in Earth, it is inside us" ~ Morihei Ueshiba

Offline heller

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #66 : 08.08.2009. 10:52:48 »
I u igri Tom Clancy's HAWX se moze upravljati mikrofonom.   ;)

Offline Homer Simpson

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #67 : 19.08.2009. 12:35:20 »
Ljudi,upravo sam kupio mikrofon za PC i NE RADI NA GUITAR HERO WORLD TOURU.Zna li itko zašto?
(mikrofon nije za guitar hero world tour)

Offline Wennen

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #68 : 19.08.2009. 12:43:09 »
Ljudi,upravo sam kupio mikrofon za PC i NE RADI NA GUITAR HERO WORLD TOURU.Zna li itko zašto?
(mikrofon nije za guitar hero world tour)

 rofl pitam se...

Offline Homer Simpson

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #69 : 19.08.2009. 12:47:30 »
Ljudi,upravo sam kupio mikrofon za PC i NE RADI NA GUITAR HERO WORLD TOURU.Zna li itko zašto?
(mikrofon nije za guitar hero world tour)

 rofl pitam se...

Ajde pliz ljudi,ne šalim se

Offline Wennen

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #70 : 19.08.2009. 12:53:12 »
Normally, Guitar hero: World Tour for PC will not allow you to play the vocals mode
unless you have a compatible USB microphone.

Jel treba prevod? :)

...dalje, samo sam ukucao u google "use any mic with GH:WT" i nasao sam jedan trik kako to da uradis,
pa ako te zanima da se zezas sa podesavanjima i ustedis na mikrofonu...

Spoiler for Hiden:
*right click the speaker icon near the clock and click recording devices
*double click your default Mic
*rename it to Logitech USB Mic
*save everything and start the game

to enable playing other modes again you must rename the mic to something else
If this does not work you (or if you have a version of windows other than Vista)
you can try the method below:

Spoiler for Hiden:
1. Download a small software called VOXmorph junior, it is free! , just install it somewhere. then start it and close it.

2. Open the installation folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Screaming Bee\MorphVOX Junior) of  VOXmorph junior and find the .inf file with x64 in the name if you have a 64bit system or with x86 if you have a 32bit system, open the file.

3. in the first set of lines,  look for ”DriverVer =” increase the date and the version number.

4. scroll down to the end of the file and find the lines


Change these lines to

SBEE=”Logitech USB Mic”
MfgName=”Screaming Bee LLC”
SBEE_Audio.DeviceDesc=”Logitech USB Mic”

Also find the line


And modify it to

sbee_audio.SvcDesc=”Logitech USB Mic”

Save the file.

5. Open the Device manager,and find the Screaming bee driver under “Sound , Video and game controllers” right click it and select “Update driver”

6. Click browse my computer for driver softwares and then “Let me pick from a list..” then click have disk. Browse to the VOXmorph folder with the modified inf file and select it.

7. Ignore the “end of the world” warning about the driver not being signed and install it any way. the installation should work fine and your driver’s name should become Logitech USB Mic.

8. Open VOXmorph again and run the setup wizard and set your Logitech USB Mic as the default recording device. disable voice morphing and listening from the program interface and just keep it open.

9. open Guitar hero: World tour now. the vocals mode should be active now.

Takodje, ovaj prvi post ide na "postovi koji su vas nasmijali do suza"  ;D

Offline Homer Simpson

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #71 : 19.08.2009. 12:58:27 »
Normally, Guitar hero: World Tour for PC will not allow you to play the vocals mode
unless you have a compatible USB microphone.

Jel treba prevod? :)

...dalje, samo sam ukucao u google "use any mic with GH:WT" i nasao sam jedan trik kako to da uradis,
pa ako te zanima da se zezas sa podesavanjima i ustedis na mikrofonu...

Spoiler for Hiden:
*right click the speaker icon near the clock and click recording devices
*double click your default Mic
*rename it to Logitech USB Mic
*save everything and start the game

to enable playing other modes again you must rename the mic to something else
If this does not work you (or if you have a version of windows other than Vista)
you can try the method below:

Spoiler for Hiden:
1. Download a small software called VOXmorph junior, it is free! , just install it somewhere. then start it and close it.

2. Open the installation folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Screaming Bee\MorphVOX Junior) of  VOXmorph junior and find the .inf file with x64 in the name if you have a 64bit system or with x86 if you have a 32bit system, open the file.

3. in the first set of lines,  look for ”DriverVer =” increase the date and the version number.

4. scroll down to the end of the file and find the lines


Change these lines to

SBEE=”Logitech USB Mic”
MfgName=”Screaming Bee LLC”
SBEE_Audio.DeviceDesc=”Logitech USB Mic”

Also find the line


And modify it to

sbee_audio.SvcDesc=”Logitech USB Mic”

Save the file.

5. Open the Device manager,and find the Screaming bee driver under “Sound , Video and game controllers” right click it and select “Update driver”

6. Click browse my computer for driver softwares and then “Let me pick from a list..” then click have disk. Browse to the VOXmorph folder with the modified inf file and select it.

7. Ignore the “end of the world” warning about the driver not being signed and install it any way. the installation should work fine and your driver’s name should become Logitech USB Mic.

8. Open VOXmorph again and run the setup wizard and set your Logitech USB Mic as the default recording device. disable voice morphing and listening from the program interface and just keep it open.

9. open Guitar hero: World tour now. the vocals mode should be active now.

Takodje, ovaj prvi post ide na "postovi koji su vas nasmijali do suza"  ;D

Našao sam to samo ja nemam taj "speaker icon" u traci.

Offline Homer Simpson

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #72 : 19.08.2009. 12:59:08 »
I ne treba prijevod  ;D ;D ;D

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
« Zadnja izmjena: 19.08.2009. 13:06:44 Homer Simpson »

Offline Homer Simpson

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #73 : 19.08.2009. 20:18:20 »
Uspio sam,ali sad mi kompjutor ne reagira na pjevanje

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« Odgovor #74 : 19.08.2009. 20:22:17 »
Pa ti se ne muci i ne pevaj.

Offline delrey

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #75 : 19.08.2009. 20:27:58 »
Baci ti taj disk u smece, uzmi neku pucacinu i razvali se.
Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol Warrior: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Mongol General: Good!

Offline igniss

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #76 : 19.08.2009. 23:41:17 »
Izgleda da se konačno pojavio Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Jel' neko igrao?
Going to church makes you a Christian as much as going to the garage makes you a car.

Offline Veleno

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« Odgovor #77 : 19.08.2009. 23:43:05 »
Izgleda da se konačno pojavio Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Jel' neko igrao?

Toooooo se traži. Prvi dio sam odigrao toliko puta da znam cilu igricu napamet, hehe

Offline Wennen

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #78 : 19.08.2009. 23:43:49 »
Joj ljudi meni se toliko igra Resident Evil 5 da cu poceti da skupljam lovu za PS3

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #79 : 19.08.2009. 23:45:07 »
Izgleda da se konačno pojavio Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Jel' neko igrao?

Toooooo se traži. Prvi dio sam odigrao toliko puta da znam cilu igricu napamet, hehe

Imam neke linkove za RS, ali nisam ništa još skidao. 'Oćeš?
Going to church makes you a Christian as much as going to the garage makes you a car.

Offline delrey

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« Odgovor #80 : 19.08.2009. 23:45:42 »
Joj ljudi meni se toliko igra Resident Evil 5 da cu poceti da skupljam lovu za PS3
Ja igram opet. ;D
Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol Warrior: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Mongol General: Good!

Offline delrey

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #81 : 19.08.2009. 23:46:49 »
Izgleda da se konačno pojavio Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Jel' neko igrao?

Toooooo se traži. Prvi dio sam odigrao toliko puta da znam cilu igricu napamet, hehe

Imam neke linkove za RS, ali nisam ništa još skidao. 'Oćeš?
Kakav komp trazi?
Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol Warrior: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Mongol General: Good!

Offline Veleno

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« Odgovor #82 : 19.08.2009. 23:53:52 »
Imam neke linkove za RS, ali nisam ništa još skidao. 'Oćeš?

Naravno  ;)

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #83 : 20.08.2009. 00:01:14 »
A igra li neko WoW?
“You have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m sure. But don’t worry: you will someday.”

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #84 : 20.08.2009. 00:59:44 »
Izgleda da se konačno pojavio Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Jel' neko igrao?
ja sam jos jutros stavio da se skida
pa cu da javim sutra kakav je.
Joj ljudi meni se toliko igra Resident Evil 5 da cu poceti da skupljam lovu za PS3
kupi igru i dodji kod mene.
ili uzmi od delrey-a ;D

Offline Wennen

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« Odgovor #85 : 20.08.2009. 01:06:04 »
Ozbiljno? Da znas, meni treba sat vremena do Novog Sada  ;D

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« Odgovor #86 : 20.08.2009. 01:12:06 »
pa ti si iz bg. al kazem ti ja nemam igru tu imam samo pes, gta 4, motorstorm i neke jos pucacine al re5 nemam i nikad pre nisam ni igrao to tako da me ni ne privlaci!

Offline igniss

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Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #87 : 20.08.2009. 07:51:49 »
Kakav komp trazi?

Tek sad videh tvoj post... Ne znam još uvek, ali rekao bih da treba 4Gb rama, da bi radila bez problema.
Going to church makes you a Christian as much as going to the garage makes you a car.

Offline heller

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« Odgovor #88 : 20.08.2009. 08:19:44 »
Kakav komp trazi?

Tek sad videh tvoj post... Ne znam još uvek, ali rekao bih da treba 4Gb rama, da bi radila bez problema.

Jok, to je pozeljno, ali moze i dosta slabije:

System Requirements:

Operating system: Windows XP or Windows Vista (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 not supported);
Version of DirectX: DirectX 9.0c;
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3400 +;
RAM: 1 GB;
Video Card: 256MB Geforce 6800 GT or ATI Radeon X800;
Sound Card: 100% compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
Hard disk: 8 GB (plus an additional 800MB for swap file Windows);
Drive: DVD-ROM;
Internet: Broadband connection.

Offline igniss

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  • This is where we fight! This is where they die!
Odg: Sve o igrama za PC
« Odgovor #89 : 20.08.2009. 08:57:17 »
Pa ovo su prilično slabi zahtevi! Ko bi rekao... Izvinjavam se zbog dezinformacije, pokupio sam je sa nekog drugog foruma...
Going to church makes you a Christian as much as going to the garage makes you a car.
