Autor Tema: The Blacklist  (Posjeta: 88444 )

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #240 : 13.11.2016. 04:27:16 »
Neka nova teorija

Pretpostavljam da je Redington

Spoiler for Hiden:
brat od Katarine, nema drugog objasnjenja.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #241 : 13.11.2016. 10:47:55 »
Nema sanse.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Ono o cemu bruju citav internet je to da je Red zapravo Katarina. Da je promenila pol i da se vesto krije sa novim identitetom.
U prilog ovoj teoriji ide to sto je tokom ispitivanja Red na Kirkovo pitanje da li je Masin otac rekao ne nekoliko puta, a onda na Kirkovo pitanje da li mu je Masa cerka odgovorio da. Dakle, ne moze da bude njen otac jer je njena majka. Luda teorija, ali ne i neizvodljiva.

Mene sa druge strane vise zanima sta ce biti sa Tomom. Pa i Kejt mi je jako zanimljiva. A sto se tice veza i vezica, vec ce oni naci nacin da nas "zabavljaju".

I moram da dodam da je u Blacklistu FBI jebeno najbeskorisniji FBI ikada prikazan.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline d0N

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #242 : 13.11.2016. 18:12:14 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Ono sto je sigurno da prica sada manje vise krece od pocetka, nema vise ljudi iz senke, neko ko deluje protiv njih..
Videcemo gde ce Kejt, kako ce vratiti Tomovu porodicu i uvod u spinoff.

Offline Capone

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #243 : 13.11.2016. 23:48:29 »
Nema sanse da je
Spoiler for Hiden:

Redington zapravo Katarina. Mislim nije nemoguce ali kroz seriju smo valjda skontali da je Redington bio aktivan i u vreme kada je Katarina bila tu, pa Kirk je valjda uhvatio Redingtona i Katarinu zajedno.

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #244 : 14.11.2016. 11:28:00 »
kada idem skinuti titl osme epizode izbaci iduce

Zabranjeno direktno linkanje! ( referer: )

jeli imao netko slican problem?

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #245 : 14.11.2016. 11:41:46 »
kada idem skinuti titl osme epizode izbaci iduce

Zabranjeno direktno linkanje! ( referer: )

jeli imao netko slican problem?

Pokušaj ponovo, sada je sve u redu.

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #246 : 14.11.2016. 13:12:01 »
hvala  smileyNO1

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #247 : 14.11.2016. 22:33:01 »
Nema sanse da je
Spoiler for Hiden:

Redington zapravo Katarina. Mislim nije nemoguce ali kroz seriju smo valjda skontali da je Redington bio aktivan i u vreme kada je Katarina bila tu, pa Kirk je valjda uhvatio Redingtona i Katarinu zajedno.

Ma ta teorija je izrazito glupava, da se razumemo. I neizvodljiva nakon svega prikazanog, samo me je malo zainteresovala.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline Eichmann

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #248 : 15.11.2016. 19:17:12 »
Sve u svemu, za odgovor na ta pitanja ćete morati da prvo proslavite Novu godinu i Božić, ako ne upadne i nečiji rođendan u međuvremenu....
Njima praznici traju dva meseca.... :facepalm

Offline velja

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #249 : 27.11.2016. 16:54:00 »
Pogledao i 7-8 ep...
Kvalitetan cirkus...A sto se tice dijaloga

Spoiler for Hiden:
Scenaristi su se "lepo ogradili"
Na pitanje
 Jesi li ti njen otac?
Redington odgovara:
Ne...Ne zelim da ti odgovorim na to pitanje

Na pitanje:
Jeli ti ona cerka:
Redigton se opire i na kraju:
Da..jeli to sto zelis da cujes?Da!
Tu je lepa caka napravljena da je on njemu govorio u stanju bola i polusvesti...
« Zadnja izmjena: 27.11.2016. 17:30:22 maksi »

Offline velja

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #250 : 27.11.2016. 17:06:31 »
Uhhh hteo sam u spoiler ovo...

Offline dean.winchester

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #251 : 07.01.2017. 00:55:55 »
Nova godina, a The Blacklist nastavio po starom, jedna sasvim dobra epizoda, bas u njihovom stilu. James Spader, uz Kevina Spaceya mi je omiljeni glumac u ovim serijama, steta sto ih nisu snimili vise.
Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #252 : 08.01.2017. 13:52:59 »
Nova godina, a The Blacklist nastavio po starom, jedna sasvim dobra epizoda, bas u njihovom stilu. James Spader, uz Kevina Spaceya mi je omiljeni glumac u ovim serijama, steta sto ih nisu snimili vise.

Slazem se. Ja sam stigao do tacke gde The Blacklist nema lose epizode jer sam prilicno navucen.

Uskoro krece Redemption, i jako me kopka kako ce izvesti stvar sa Tomom. Kako ce on napustiti seriju, Liz i bebu. A znam da ce na kraju izvesti neki klise, no nema veze.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #253 : 07.02.2017. 01:35:16 »
Volim ove klasicne The Blacklist epizode.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #254 : 18.02.2017. 01:09:00 »
Mislim da idu ka tome da citava situacija sa Tomom bude klise, i to ogroman. Sa druge strane, Redova zivotna putovanja su nikad zanimljivija. Kraj epizode obecava. Nadam se da cemo saznati nesto veliko iz njegove proslosti.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline dean.winchester

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #255 : 18.02.2017. 12:50:01 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Da, ja sam poslije gledanja zadnje epizode razmišljao da mu se ne osvećuje Mr. Kaplan, ali kontam da ne bi ubijao mu saradnike, već na drugi način povrijedio Reda. Tako da mi to ostaje zasad nepoznato.
Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.

Offline d0N

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #256 : 19.02.2017. 18:50:07 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Ja jos ne bih otpisao Kejt kao opciju, pogotovo zbog ovog placanja o kom smo saznali na kraju.
Posle pocetnih slabih epizoda, krece se ka boljem.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #257 : 19.02.2017. 20:37:00 »
Vise bih se slozio sa Deanom. Ne bi Kaplan na taj nacin trazila osvetu. Mada, ko zna.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #258 : 24.02.2017. 21:45:27 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Valjda nije stvarno Dembe. Ne bih voleo da je stvarno on.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline dean.winchester

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #259 : 25.02.2017. 02:08:08 »
Zakuhalo se pravo u The Blacklistu, obozavam ove Reddingtonove price.

Spoiler for Hiden:
I ja cisto sumnjam da je Dembe, ali u jednoj epizodi govori onim cistacima novim koliko se sjecam, da nije siguran da li bi izdao Reda. Moje misljenje je da nije, ali vidjeti cemo. Ocekujem da se pojavi i Mr. Kaplan uskoro. Jedva cekam narednu epizodu.

Danas je poceo i spin off, The Blacklist Redemption. Nisam jos pogledao, ali sam vidio da se pojavljuje i Terry O'Quinn u prvoj epizodi, uz Ryana Eggolda i Famke Janssen.
Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #260 : 25.02.2017. 02:36:54 »
Ne znam sta bi mogao da bude okidac kod Dembea.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Jedino to sto je Red ubio Kaplan. Ali opet, proslo je dosta vremena od toga, ili se vodi onom osveta se servira hladna? Ne znam, deluje da nas navode da mislimo da je Dembe. Ali, ko zna, scenaristi su do sada nemali broj puta pokazali da imaju hrabrosti da povucu radikalne poteze, tako da... Videcemo.

Pogledao sam Redemption. Na moje iznenadjenje, jako dobra prva epizoda. Svidela mi se.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

Offline d0N

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #261 : 26.02.2017. 15:28:47 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Moje neko misljenje je da Dembe ne bi mastio ovoliko, da je hteo da ga smakne, presudio bi mu lako.

Offline iluzionista84

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #262 : 26.02.2017. 15:56:22 »
I sad nema dva meseca , e jbg....
Spoiler for Hiden:
Dembe za sad ne verujem , tokom cele epizode mi je bilo sumnjivo da ide na Dembu , ali i dalje ne verujem...
Bilo bi glupo da je dembe posle lojalnosti koje je pokazao tokom serije

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #263 : 21.04.2017. 13:30:27 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Dembe naravno nije kriv, ali krece zajebancija! Red vs Mr. Kaplan! ovo ce biti zanimljivo...  :bokser :bokser
> dum spiro spero <

Offline Devil of Hells Kitchen

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #264 : 21.04.2017. 14:12:07 »
Uh, kakva epizoda! Jedna od najdrazih epizoda do sada. Sve se lepo uklopilo, kao delovi slagalice.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Sve se promenilo za 180°. Sada sam na strani gospodjice Kaplan. Covece, njena prica pocinje sa Katarinom i sve sto je uradila, uradila je zbog Mase. Uh.

Naravno, sve ovo pod uslovom:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Da su memorije gospodjice Kaplan tacne. Jer znamo da je imala povredu glave i nije nemoguce da je sve ovo ona dozivela drugacije nego sto se zaista dogodilo. Postoje razlicitosti u desavanjima iz proslosti koje prica Redington i koje prica Kaplan.
Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones, leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending, because evil always survives. With the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well, soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man can make a difference.

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #265 : 22.04.2017. 02:25:53 »
a nemojte ovo propustat! molim vas!
kakva epizoda!
pa ja ne znam!
I'm thinking the Predator picked up the scorpion because he thought it was a facehugger.

Offline d0N

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« Odgovor #266 : 22.04.2017. 10:55:40 »
Nikada do sad nisu dali dve epizode odjednom, veceras uzivancija :)

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #267 : 24.04.2017. 17:39:36 »
Znaci...epizoda epizodu jede...sve bolje od boljega. Ovu zadnju sa Kaplanom, najezio sam se koja epizoda. Jako dobra

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #268 : 27.04.2017. 19:25:48 »
Ova četvrta sezona, jednostavno ponavljanje. Džim ruke od ove serije, tako da i neću spin-off započinjat. Mislio sam da će imalo ličit na PoI, daleko je ovo od toga.

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Odg: The Blacklist
« Odgovor #269 : 28.04.2017. 23:53:31 »
a inace je i POI raznio u zadnju sezonu.. haujesnou...
I'm thinking the Predator picked up the scorpion because he thought it was a facehugger.