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Serije => Općenito o serijama => Autor teme: Šćepo - 06.04.2009. 18:12:21

Naslov: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Šćepo - 06.04.2009. 18:12:21
It's close to decision time for networks--which shows do we think are in danger of getting canned?
Cold Case is rumored to be in danger.
If shows were kept around based on their quality, television would be unrecognizable. Unfortunately, great shows are often rewarded by throwing them out on the curb as the business is cruel to those that can't find audiences. Another round of eliminations is just around the corner, and several shows are in danger of being sent packing. We'll take a look at 10 of the more intriguing cases.

10. Without a Trace / Cold Case
These two procedurals pull in 10 million-plus viewers regularly, so why are they on the chopping block? Well, CBS--America's most watched network--has different standards than others... CBS is used to HUGE numbers and doesn't settle for less. As previously reported, rumor is CBS is looking to cut costs in a big way, and that means these two may not return.
Prognosis: With CSI, NCIS, and The Mentalist well over 15 million viewers, these two have near-impossible standards to keep up with. Not looking great.

9. Knight Rider
The last we heard about this show is it was undergoing a massive overhaul... but that was late last year. Cast members were cut, and the main story is supposed to simplify and harken back to the classic Knight Rider. Jay Leno's primetime talk show is going to kill a lot of NBC programs, and this pricey action show and ratings drag will probably be one of them.
Prognosis: We're not even sure how this got on television in the first place. But then again, NBC doesn't make the wisest decisions.

8. In the Motherhood
Just a few days after its premiere, In the Motherhood saw its initial order cut by more than half from 13 episodes to just six. Yikes. The debut numbers weren't great, but with ABC's full plate of shows this season and promising pilots next season, the network can afford to be extra picky now.
Prognosis: Throwing single moms out on the street isn't nice, but it is business. A goner unless ratings jump drastically.

7. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Fox absolutely loves Terminator... but Fox also absolutely hates poor ratings. However, Terminator has one great thing going for it--McG's Terminator: Salvation opens in theaters in May. If it's a hit, it could restrengthen the brand and give this promising show new life.
Prognosis: It sounds silly to say a TV show's fate relies on a movie's performance, but let's face it--the television industry is as wacky as they come.

6. My Name is Earl
NBC has milked this cow for almost all its worth (even die-hard fans will admit that seasons one and two were much better than the more recent seasons), and the network would love to throw something fresher in to strengthen its comedy block that's anchored by The Office. But Earl, on the expensive side of things as far as half-hour comedies go, still has some laughs left in the tank.
Prognosis: As Deadline Hollywood notes, Fox (which produces the show) may actually turn around and scoop up the show--which is close to having enough episodes for syndication. NBC may give up on it, but Fox stands to make a lot of money if it sticks around a bit. But if Parks & Recreation tanks, Earl may stick around NBC.

5. Kings
Kings is totally original, looks fantastic, and has some great acting talent. But nobody watches it. NBC is cutting costs left and right, so the chances of this epic (and expensive) drama coming back are minimal. Another victim of the falling economy and the Jay Leno effect.
Prognosis: This does have a chance if... who are we kidding? Checkmate--Kings falls.

4. Castle
ABC's Castle has had a pretty decent start. However, how much of that is due to being in the slot right behind Dancing with the Stars? Given the viewer erosion the show goes through in its second half-hour, lots. Another thing Castle has going against it--ABC is chock full of options just waiting for a spot on the schedule. On the other hand, the show isn't bad and hasn't lost as much of its audience as one would expect.
Prognosis: Star Nathan Fillion tells that ABC is really behind this show. At this point in time, it's looking 50/50.

3. Reaper

Hey, Reaper is awesome. You know it, I know it, The CW knows it. But the paranormal comedy is pulling in dreadful numbers. The CW saved this show from death once... it won't do it again, sadly. Even Tyler Labine, who plays Sock, seems to know it and has booked another gig.
Prognosis: Reaper has a slim to none chance of returning.

2. Dollhouse
The heavily hyped show from Joss Whedon has fallen on its face in the ratings department (last week's episode drew less than four million). Despite slight improvement in quality (the "game-changing" episode six was better, but still disappointing), Dollhouse just doesn't seem to have what it takes to draw an audience, even from faithful Whedonites. There's a solid foundation for a great show here... can Joss realize its potential?
Prognosis: Not looking good. But if Terminator can squeak out a deal, maybe it will take Dollhouse with it. One positive sign: the DVR stats for the show are great.

1. Chuck
NBC's Chuck is this year's "little show that could." You want it to succeed, it tries really hard, but it just can't seem to get over the edge and become a hit. NBC adores this action-comedy (we do too), so hopefully they can pull some sort of deal to save it like they've done before with another little show that could--Friday Night Lights.
Prognosis: Jay Leno is taking five of NBC's 5 primetime hours next season. Unfortunately, we think Chuck's hour will be one of them.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: thedman - 06.04.2009. 22:58:01
ma još bi nekako progutao da mi ukinu Castle i Dollhouse
iako su mi stvarno oke serije......
ali da mu Chuck-a ukinu ma zadavio bi ih,  >:(
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: lijencina - 06.04.2009. 23:16:04
ne chucka  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Legolas - 07.04.2009. 11:07:25
Evo ja pratim gotovo sve serije od ovih 10 i nekako bih mogao prozvakati da bilo koju ukinu, ali pobogu dajte Reapera ostavite, pa pregenijalna serija... c c c  :(
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: L - 07.04.2009. 12:03:58
Evo ja pratim gotovo sve serije od ovih 10 i nekako bih mogao prozvakati da bilo koju ukinu, ali pobogu dajte Reapera ostavite, pa pregenijalna serija... c c c  :(

Fox je potpisao sedmocifreni ugovor na 2 godine sa kreatorima i producenitma ove serije.
Sa ciljem preorjentisanja na neki drugi projekat.
Tako da joj nema spasa. Ispalo je da su im draze pare od svoje kreacije, a to nije nikako cudo.

Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: jojojo011 - 07.04.2009. 15:43:07
pa nema sta da nas cudi sto to rade...vidite sta su uradili sa Kyle xy pa sad u americi gledaju sta ce jer su mnogi otkazali pretplatu kanalu ABC Family zbog te serije jer nece vise da je snimaju...nije problem sto ih ukidaju vec je problem sto je ne zavrse kako treba nego na pola radnje samo cap...
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Vladika - 07.04.2009. 21:23:18
Samo me zanima sta ce da naprave UMESTO nekih serija. Mnoge serije imaju sjajnu pricu koju ce tesko nadmasiti. Ali, opet, to je politika nekih velikih igraca na TV sceni. Kao sto kaze jojojo011 da bar zavrse seriju, ne bi bio problem, ovako ostave ljude iznervirane!
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: outside - 11.04.2009. 10:32:50
evo na ovom linku pišu sve serije koje će se vjerovatno ukinuti,,samo mi nije jasno zašt NBC ukida seriju life,,serija je predobra (
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: mali_mujo - 11.04.2009. 10:48:57
evo na ovom linku pišu sve serije koje će se vjerovatno ukinuti,,samo mi nije jasno zašt NBC ukida seriju life,,serija je predobra (

mater im njiovu, nek makar onda smisle neki kraj i baš završe s drugom sezonom... :(
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: outside - 11.04.2009. 10:50:20
evo na ovom linku pišu sve serije koje će se vjerovatno ukinuti,,samo mi nije jasno zašt NBC ukida seriju life,,serija je predobra (

mater im njiovu, nek makar onda smisle neki kraj i baš završe s drugom sezonom... :(

slažem se,,stvarno više nema smisla tak sve serije prekidat,,
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: radrad - 11.04.2009. 10:51:33
ne chucka  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Gledajuci seriju i kako dolazi poslenja epizoda sve se vise i vise vidi da ce biti to i kraj serije. Cela prica ce da ima kraj i tu se zavrsava serija. Mogu samo reci da ako tako i urade, svaka im cast. Prekinuce je kada je najbolj, ali ce imati i kraj.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: stefan87 - 11.04.2009. 15:08:06
ne chucka  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Gledajuci seriju i kako dolazi poslenja epizoda sve se vise i vise vidi da ce biti to i kraj serije. Cela prica ce da ima kraj i tu se zavrsava serija. Mogu samo reci da ako tako i urade, svaka im cast. Prekinuce je kada je najbolj, ali ce imati i kraj.
citao sam ako nbc otkaze chucka da ce CW nastaviti da prenosi chucka od sledece sezone.

No NBC has not (yet) cancelled Chuck but it is still not sure whether the series get renewed…

With that said, fans of Chuck will not be happy. But a CW insider can tell exclusive that Dawn Ostroff, President of Entertainment of The CW likes Chuck. And if NBC cancels the series, there is a chance that The CW take over Chuck.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Posthuman - 11.04.2009. 15:20:50
evo na ovom linku pišu sve serije koje ?e se vjerovatno ukinuti,,samo mi nije jasno zašt NBC ukida seriju life,,serija je predobra (

Ne mogu da verujem da ?e ukinuti Life?! Genijalna serija, odli?no snimljena sa sjajnom gluma?kom postavom.
Ako je ovo ta?no, teško da ?e uspeti da naprave barem nekakav završetak serije...
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: antaR - 12.04.2009. 01:04:48
TSCC još nije ukinuta... Službena FOX-ova objava je krajem 5. mjeseca. Sad sve manje više ovisi o ciframa koje će T4 zaraditi taj prvi tjedan
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: lijencina - 12.04.2009. 12:40:44
ne chucka  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Gledajuci seriju i kako dolazi poslenja epizoda sve se vise i vise vidi da ce biti to i kraj serije. Cela prica ce da ima kraj i tu se zavrsava serija. Mogu samo reci da ako tako i urade, svaka im cast. Prekinuce je kada je najbolj, ali ce imati i kraj.
citao sam ako nbc otkaze chucka da ce CW nastaviti da prenosi chucka od sledece sezone.

No NBC has not (yet) cancelled Chuck but it is still not sure whether the series get renewed…

With that said, fans of Chuck will not be happy. But a CW insider can tell exclusive that Dawn Ostroff, President of Entertainment of The CW likes Chuck. And if NBC cancels the series, there is a chance that The CW take over Chuck.

 ;D ;D ;D
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Šćepo - 12.04.2009. 13:01:04
Barem je za sada Chuck siguran, sto je bas dobra vijest za mene kao i za ostalje fanove.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Valhalla - 16.04.2009. 00:06:31
Dollhouse i Knight Rider  :'( nadam se da ih nece ukunuti,bar po jos jedan serijal da snime.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: igorjovanovic - 16.04.2009. 04:38:24
Ne mogu da vjerujem da su ukinuli Life,katastrofa solidna serija cccccc !!!Majcicu im americku!!!
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: radrad - 16.04.2009. 08:26:46
Gde pise da je ukinuta?
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: drazen - 16.04.2009. 10:43:08
koliko sam na netu vidio za LIFE ova druga sezona je završena sa epizodom s02e21 ali će biti treča sezona na jesen, gdje si vidio da je ukinuta????
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: outside - 16.04.2009. 10:55:05
koliko sam na netu vidio za LIFE ova druga sezona je završena sa epizodom s02e21 ali će biti treča sezona na jesen, gdje si vidio da je ukinuta????

Piše tak na index-u evo članak

Definitivno je ukinuta i sasvim solidna detektivska serija "Life"

Velik broj ukinuća na NBC-u rezultat su nadolazećeg "Jay Leno Showa" koji će doslovno isisati 5 sati programa tjedno.

To će se negativno odraziti na mnoge projekte od kojih su mnogi, realno gledajući, sasvim pristojni proizvodi koji, nažalost, ne donose istu količinu perja kao Leno.

U tu skupinu spadaju i obožavani "Chuck" koji je nešto kao "nerdovskija" verzija "Aliasa", "Moje ime je Earl", "Zakon & red" i "Medij" koje smo imali prilike pratiti i na našoj televiziji, a definitivno je ukinuta i sasvim solidna detektivska serija "Life".
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: outside - 16.04.2009. 10:56:51
ali pošto index dost stvari izmisli nije im baš za vjerovat,,jer nema logike ukinuti tak dobru seriju
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Šćepo - 16.04.2009. 13:53:23
Procitao sam da serija ZAKON I RED nije ukinuta, vec ce izaci jos jedna sezona.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: igorjovanovic - 16.04.2009. 14:51:14
Kome vjerovati vise,nisam ne znam  >:(
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Posthuman - 16.04.2009. 14:55:52
Ma sve to treba ukinuti.   ;D
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Šćepo - 16.04.2009. 15:29:03
Evo clanak:

Televizija NBC odlučila je da za godinu dana produži emitovanje serije "Zakon i red: odjeljenje za žrtve".

Kreator serije i izvršni producent Dik Volf izjavio je da je "oduševeljen" što će ta kriminalistička serija imati i 11. sezonu prikazivanja.
Za sada nije poznato da li će Mariska Hargitaj i Kristofer Meloni ponovo igrati glavne uloge.
Prije dvije godine, pričalo se da su to dvoje glumaca vodili teške pregovore oko ugovora i da su se izborili da dobiju oko 6,5 miliona dolara po sezoni.
Serija "Odjeljenje za žrtve" je najgledanija na NBC-iju.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: lijencina - 16.04.2009. 18:58:28
U tu skupinu spadaju i obožavani "Chuck" koji je nešto kao "nerdovskija" verzija "Aliasa", "Moje ime je Earl", "Zakon & red" i "Medij" koje smo imali prilike pratiti i na našoj televiziji, a definitivno je ukinuta i sasvim solidna detektivska serija "Life".
nije u redu da ukinu my name is earl dok ne zavrsi sve sa svoje liste  ;D
inace bi se karma mogla osvetit NBC-u pa njih ukinit  ;D ;D ;D
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Veleno - 16.04.2009. 19:18:48
nije u redu da ukinu my name is earl dok ne zavrsi sve sa svoje liste  ;D
inace bi se karma mogla osvetit NBC-u pa njih ukinit  ;D ;D ;D
Tako je. Slažem se u potpunosti. Oni će se zahebavati sa KARMOM... podup
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: delrey - 16.04.2009. 22:19:21
Potpisuju se peticije za trecu sezonu Terminatora:TSCC. Sto se tice nje, nije bas neka serija, ali dosta je simpaticna,
isto vazi i za Dollhouse. A kad su ukinuli Dresden Files, e onda neka ide sve u .....
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: slowrun - 16.04.2009. 22:36:20
Zna li se dokle je stigao Erl sa svojom listom?
Pratio sam prvu sezonu, nešto malo drugu i prekinuo... ako je završe (kako treba, ne da je prekinu), to bih mogao odgledati...
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: lijencina - 16.04.2009. 22:39:58
nisam pogledao zadnje 3-4 epizode al neznam tocno dokle je doso
kad budala stalno nesta dodaje,nece ju nikad zavrsit jedino ako ne bude rjesavo 5 stvari s liste po epizodi
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: by_Ivica - 20.04.2009. 16:49:42
Evo najnovijih vijesti o serijama čija je sudbina neizvjesna:

With the broadcast networks' upfront presentations less than a month away, it's do-or-die time for bubble series.

Not all shows that haven't been renewed yet are in jeopardy: For such series as CBS' "How I Met Your Mother," which traditionally gets picked up at the last minute, and ABC's "Ugly Betty," the orders are just a formality.

But that can't be said for a dozen or so other series anxiously awaiting their fate.

CBS has the most, including a quartet of long-running procedurals -- "Without a Trace," "Cold Case," "Numbers" and "The Unit" -- along with freshman drama "Eleventh Hour."

For all of them -- especially the two oldest, Warner Bros. TV/Bruckheimer's "Trace" and "Case" -- the decision is tied to the shows' economics, as the network pays most or all of the production costs at this point.

The odds for "Trace" and "Case" are considered 50/50 right now, with one of the two expected to come back.

The CBS Par-produced "Numbers" looks good to return for a sixth season, as does that series' Friday night companion, ABC Studios' "Ghost Whisperer," which would enter its fifth cycle.

The prospects for "Hour," meanwhile, do not look good. The military drama "Unit" also had been considered unlikely to come back, but in a hopeful sign, executive producer Shawn Ryan has been asked by the network to present ideas for a fifth season.

Of Fox's two bubble series, "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and "Dollhouse," sophomore "Terminator" is considered all but gone, while freshman "Dollhouse's" chances are 50/50.

Along with Fox's sci-fi duo, the most discussed bubble show online is NBC's "Chuck," which finally showed a ratings uptick this past week but is still performing marginally despite a strong fan base. The dramedy's chances also have been hurt by the promising start of NBC's police drama "Southland," as the network will have only few hourlong slots in the fall when Jay Leno takes over the 10 p.m. hour every night.

Another NBC Monday series, the modestly rated but reliable procedural "Medium," is said to have slightly better odds to return than "Chuck," while the quirky cop drama "Life" is expected to join "Kath & Kim" on cancellation row.

Meanwhile, the original "Law & Order" series is expected to return for a record-tying 20th season, matching the run of "Gunsmoke," though its order will probably not for a full 22-episode season.

Neither of ABC's midseason entries have broken through, but while "Cupid" has been pretty much written off, the comedy "Better Off Ted" and the dramas "The Unusuals" and "Castle" are still in consideration as ABC brass is said to be happy with the them creatively.

"Unusuals" has a major test this week: To boost its chances, the network has scheduled a second original episode of the show after the "Dancing With the Stars" results show in addition to its already prominent regular airing after "Lost."

Over at the CW, "Reaper" is gone, while the prospects for "Privileged" have improved, and the show is now considered for a possible midseason order.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: igorjovanovic - 20.04.2009. 18:58:55
Ne dirajte mi Life nisu normalni zivota mi !!!
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: Loki - 05.05.2009. 22:57:05
Fall TV cheat sheet: What's in? What's out?

The Bachelor: Already renewed.
Better Off Ted: Could go either way.
Brothers & Sisters: Already renewed.
Castle: Could go either way.
Cupid: It's a goner.
Dancing with the Stars: Already renewed.
Desperate Housewives: Already renewed.
Dirty Sexy Money: Officially canceled.
Eli Stone: Officially canceled.
Grey's Anatomy: Already renewed.
In the Motherhood: It's a goner.
Lost: Already renewed.
Private Practice: Already renewed.
Pushing Daisies: Officially canceled.
Samantha Who?: Could go either way.
Scrubs: Prospects brightening.
Supernanny: Already renewed.
Surviving Suburbia: A long shot.
Ugly Betty: Already renewed.
The Unusuals: A long shot.
Wife Swap: Already renewed.

The Amazing Race: Already renewed. ;D ;D
The Big Bang Theory: Already renewed.
Cold Case: Could go either way.
Criminal Minds: Sure thing.
CSI: Sure thing.
CSI: Miami: Sure thing.
CSI: NY: Sure thing.
Eleventh Hour: Could go either way. Now a long shot. Hearing the crew is looking for other work.
Flashpoint: A long shot. Could continue airing in Canada.
Gary Unmarried: Could go either way.
Ghost Whisperer: Sure thing.
Harper's Island: It's a goner. ;D
How I Met Your Mother: Sure thing.
The Mentalist: Sure thing.
NCIS: Sure thing.
New Adventures of Old Christine: Could go either way. ABC poised to pick up if CBS passes.
Numb3rs: Safe bet.
Rules of Engagement: [color="roza teve"]Safe bet.[/color]
Survivor: Already renewed.
Two and a Half Men: Already renewed.
The Unit: A long shot. Now hearing it's a goner.  Back to being a long shot.
Without a Trace: Could go either way.
Worst Week: A long shot.

24: Already renewed.
American Dad: Already renewed.
American Idol: Already renewed.
Bones: Sure thing.
Dollhouse: Could go either way. Now hearing it's a long shot.
Family Guy: Already renewed.
Fringe: Sure thing. Now officially renewed.
House: Sure thing.
King of the Hill: Officially canceled.
Kitchen Nightmares: Already renewed.
Lie to Me: Sure thing.
Prison Break: Officially canceled.
The Simpsons: Already renewed.
Sit Down, Shut Up: It's a goner.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: A long shot.
'Til Death: Already renewed (unfortunately).

30 Rock: Already renewed.
The Biggest Loser: Already renewed.
Celebrity Apprentice: Already renewed.
Chuck: Could go either way. Now a safe bet. (Yay!)
Friday Night Lights: Already renewed.
Heroes: Sure thing. Now officially renewed.
Kath & Kim: It's a goner.
Kings: It's a goner.
Knight Rider: It's a goner.
Law & Order: Safe bet. I hear they're already working on next season's episodes.
Law & Order: CI: Could go either way.
Law & Order: SVU: Already renewed.
Life: A long shot. Now hearing it's a goner. Now officially canceled.
Lipstick Jungle: Officially canceled.
Medium: Safe bet. Reportedly renewed for 13-16 episodes.
My Name is Earl: Could go either way. Fox may rescue it if NBC passes.
The Office: Already renewed.
Parks and Recreation: Safe bet.
Southland: Sure thing Officially renewed for 13 episodes.

The CW
90210: Already renewed.
America's Next Top Model: Already renewed.
Everybody Hates Chris: It's a goner.  :'(
The Game: It's a long shot.
Gossip Girl: Already renewed.
One Tree Hill: Already renewed.
Privileged: Prospects brightening.
Reaper: It's a goner.
Smallville: Already renewed.
Supernatural: Already renewed.
Naslov: Odg: 10 serija koje ce vjerovatno biti ukinute!!!
Autor: mijau - 05.05.2009. 23:07:29
Seriji Parks and recreation je službeno odobrena druga sezona.