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« Odgovor #60 : 17.04.2015. 12:50:41 »

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« Odgovor #61 : 26.12.2015. 15:01:27 »

Definicije, primeri, tezaurus, izgovori, rime, igre reči i još svašta nešto. Ovde sam našao IPA zapis nekog gradića u Americi, kao i snimak njegovog izgovora na Jutjubu (s trenutnim vremenom). Odlično pri transkripciji.

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« Odgovor #62 : 22.01.2016. 00:23:30 »
Srpske/hrvatske poslovice i njihovi engleski ekvivalenti

Evo ih u spoileru ako crkne stranica.

Spoiler for Hiden:
A[/size]Ako ne počneš nećeš ni završitiTranslation: If you don’t start, you won’t finish
[/size]B[/color][/size]Bez muke nema nauke.Translation: Without suffering, there is no learning.
  • English equivalent: No pain, no gain.
[/size]Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio.Translation: God first created a beard for himself. (Meaning that everybody looks after themselves first)
[/size]Bog visoko, a Rusija daleko.Translation: God is high above, and Russia is far away. (Meaning that help is far and unlikely)
[/size]Bolje ikad nego nikad.Translation: Better ever than never.
  • English equivalent: Better late than never.
[/size]Bolje sprečiti nego lečitiTranslation: Better to prevent than to have to cure.
  • English equivalent: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
[/size]Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani.Translation: A sparrow in the hand is better than a pigeon on the branch.
  • English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
[/size]C[/color][/size]Čovek je čoveku vuk.English equivalent: Man is man’s wolf.
  • Latin equivalent: Homo homini lupus est.
[/size]Čovek sanja, Bog određuje.Translation: Men wishes(dreams), but god decides.
  • English equivalent: Man proposes, but God disposes.
[/size]D[/color][/size]Da padne na leđa,razbio bi nos.Translation: If he fell onto his back, he’d broke his nose.
  • English equivalent: ? when the person is very unlucky
[/size]Dala baba dinar da se uhvati u kolo, a dva da se pusti.Translation: Grandma gave a dinar to dance, and two to stop.
  • English equivalent: Be careful what you wish for.
[/size]Daleko od očiju, daleko od srcaTranslation: Far from the eyes, far from the heart
  • English equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind
[/size]G[/color][/size]Gde ima dima ima i vatre.Translation: Where there is smoke, there is fire too.
  • English equivalent: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
[/size]Gde ti mnogo obećavaju, malu torbu ponesiTranslation: Where people are promising much to you, bring a small bag.
  • English equivalent: ? Similar to There is no free lunch.
[/size]Glava u oblacima.Translation: (To have the) head in clouds.
  • English equivalent: To have one’s head in the clouds
[/size]Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće.Translation: Iron is worked when it’s still hot.
  • English equivalent: Strike while the iron is hot.
[/size]I[/color][/size]Il’ kuj, il ne mrči gaćâ!English equivalent: Shit or get off the pot.
[/size]Imati veće oči od želuca. (Samo su mi oči gladne – only my eyes are hungry)Translation: To have bigger eyes than the stomach.
  • English equivalent: Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
[/size]Ispalo vragu iz torbe.Translation: (Something that has) fallen out of a devil’s pouch.
  • English equivalent: untamed.
[/size]Ispeci pa reci.Translation: Bake it and then say it.
  • English equivalent: Think before you speak.
[/size]Iver ne pada daleko od klade.Translation: A splinter doesn’t land far from the trunk.
  • English equivalent: An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
[/size]J[/color][/size]Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla.Translation: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
[/size]Jedna lasta ne čini proleće.Translation: One swallow does not make a spring.
  • English equivalent: One swallow does not make a spring.
  • Source of original proverb: Aristotle
[/size]Jutro je pametnije od večeri.Translation: Morning is smarter than evening.
[/size]K[/color][/size]Kad mačke nema, miševi kolo vode.Translation: When cat is absent, mice dance.
  • English equivalent: When the cat’s away the mice will play.
[/size]Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe.Translation: When willows bear grapes.
  • English equivalent: When pigs fly.
[/size]Kako došlo, tako prošlo.Translation: The way it came is the way it will go.
  • English equivalent: Easy come, easy go.
[/size]Kao mačka oko vruće kaše.Translation: Like the cat around the hot meal.
  • English equivalent: Beating around bush.
[/size]Ko drugome jamu kopa sam u nju pada.Translation: Who digs a trap for others ends up in it himself.
  • English equivalent: What goes around, comes around.
[/size]Ko nema u glavi, ima u nogama.Translation: Who doesn’t have in his head has in his feet.
  • English equivalent: Absent-minded do the work twice.
[/size]Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi. (Ptica ranoranilica prva crva nađe)Translation: One who gets up early is doubly lucky.
  • English equivalent: The early bird gets (catches) the worm.
[/size]Ko s vragom tikve sadi, o glavu mu se obiju.Translation: If one sows pumpkins with the devil, they will bash onto one’s head.
  • English equivalent: ? Similar to As you sow, so you shall reap.
[/size]Ko seje vetar, žanje oluju.Translation: Who sows wind will harvest storm.
  • English equivalent: ? Similar to As you sow, so you shall reap.
[/size]Ko uči znaće, ko štedi imaćeTranslation: Those who study will know, those who save will have.
  • English equivalent: ?
[/size]Ko ume, njemu dveTranslation: The one who’s able gets two.
  • English equivalent: Skilled worker is paid double.
[/size]Ko vino večera, vodu doručkuje.Translation: Who has wine for dinner, he has water for breakfast.
  • English equivalent: ? You can’t avoid paying consequences for your deeds.
[/size]Kruh bez motike. (SR: Nema hleba bez motike)Translation: Bread without shovel.
[/size]Krv nije voda.Translation: Blood is not water.
  • English equivalent: Blood is thicker than water.
[/size]L[/color][/size]Lepa reč i gvozdena vrata otvara.Translation: A kind word opens even the iron doors.
  • English equivalent:You can succeed in anything by being polite.
[/size]M[/color][/size]Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata.Translation: (speaking) of the wolf as the wolf (comes) to the door.
  • English equivalent: Speak of the devil.
  • Latin equivalent: Lupus in fabula.
[/size]N[/color][/size]Na mladima svet ostaje.Translation: The world is left to the young.
[/size]Na muci se poznaju junaci.Translation: In trouble you know a hero.
[/size]Na nevidišu nema krivice.Translation: If it isn’t seen, there’s no guilt.
  • If you do something without being caught it isn’t done.
[/size]Najtamnije je ispod svećeTranslation:Its the darkest underneath the candle.
  • Its the darkest underneath the candle.
[/size]Naći iglu u plastu sena.English equivalent: Finding a needle in a haystack.
[/size]Navika je dobar sluga, ali loš gospodar.Translation: Habit is a good servant, but a poor master.
[/size]Ne gledaj poklonjenom konju u zube. (Poklonjenom konju se ne gleda u zube)Translation: Don’t look a gift horse in the teeth.
  • English equivalent: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
[/size]Ne laje pas zbog sela, nego radi sebe.Translation: The dog doesn’t bark because of the village. (everybody cares about themselves the most)
[/size]Ne maljaj vraga na zid. (SR: Ne crtaj vraga)Translation: Don’t paint the devil on the wall. Don’t invite misfortune; don’t talk about bad things that might happen because that could invite them to happen
[/size]Ne može kruška da rodi jabuku.Translation: A pear tree cannot bear an apple.
  • English Equivalent: ? Similar to An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
[/size]Ne možeš imati i ovce i novce.Translation: You can’t have both money and sheep.
  • English equivalent: You can’t eat your cake and have it too
[/size]Ne kupuj mačka u vreći. (Ne kupuj mačku u džaku)Translation: Don’t buy a cat in a bag.
  • English equivalent: Don’t buy a pig in a poke.
[/size]Ne vidi šumu od drveća.English equivalent: Can’t see the forest for the trees
[/size]Ne stavljaj sva jaja u jednu košaru.Translation: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
[/size]Ne sej tikve gde jos nisu nikle!Translation: Don’t plant pumpkins where they never sprouted!
  • English equivalent: ? Don’t waste your time trying things which are proven not to work.
[/size]Ne trči pred rudo. (SR: Ne trči pred rudu)Translation: Don’t run in front of a carriage.
  • English equivalent: Don’t jump the gun.
[/size]Nema hleba bez motikeTranslation: There’s no bread without a hoe
  • English equivalent: You cannot make omelets without eggs.
  • Similar to Only hard work pays off.
[/size]Nema vatre bez dima.Translation: There is no fire without smoke.
  • English equivalent: Where there is smoke there is fire.
[/size]Nema mirnog deteta ni mlade babe.Translation: There’s no quiet child nor young grandmother.
[/size]Nesreća nikad ne dolazi sama.Translation: Misfortune never comes alone.
  • English equivalent: When it rains, it pours.
  • English equivalent: Bad luck comes in threes.
  • German equivalent: Bad luck rarely comes alone. (Ein Unglück kommt selten allein.)
[/size]Nije zlato sve što sija.English equivalent: All that glitters is not gold.
  • Fool’s gold (lažno zlato; zlato lažnog sjaja; zamka za budale)
[/size]Novac se na novac lepi.Translation: Money sticks to money.
  • English equivalent: Money hangs around money.
[/size]O mrtvima sve najbolje.Translation: Speak only the best of the dead.
  • English equivalent: Don’t speak ill of the dead.
  • Latin equivalent: De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
[/size]O[/color][/size]Od Kulina bana i dobrijeh dana.Translation: Since Koohleen the prince and the good times; in remembrance of the good old days of Lord Kulin
  • English Equivalent: Back in the good old days.
[/size]Obećanje ludom radovanjeTranslation: Promise makes a fool happy.
  • English equivalent: Do not be fooled by empty promises.
[/size]Odelo ne čini čoveka.Translation: A suit doesn’t make a man.
  • English equivalent: You can’t tell a book by its cover.
  • French equivalent: L’habit ne fait pas le moine.
[/size]Odneti gaće na štapu. (Na kraju ostanu samo gaće na štapu)Translation: To end up with underpants on a stick. (i.e. be really poor)
[/size]Ovca bleji, zalogaj gubi!Translation: The sheep that bleats – loses it’s share in food.
[/size]P[/color][/size]Pametniji popušta.Translation: The smarter one yields
  • English equivalent: Every fool is quick to quarrel /By yielding you conquer
[/size]Papir trpi sve.Translation: Paper can withstand anything (doesn’t mean it’s true (a fact))
[/size]Pas koji laje, ne grize. (SR: Pas koji laje ne ujeda)Translation: A dog that barks does not bite.
  • English equivalent: Barking dogs seldom bite; His bark is worse than his bite.
[/size]Po jutru se dan poznaje.Translation: The morning shows how the day will be.
[/size]Počisti prvo pred svojim vratima.Translation: First sweep the ground in front of your own door.
  • English equivalent: And why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye, and not notice the beam which is in your own eye?
  • People who live in glass houses should not throw stones (don’t criticize other people when you yourself have faults and weaknesses …)
[/size]Pomozi si sam pa će ti i Bog pomoći. (SR: Pomozi sam sebi pa će ti i Bog pomoći)Translation: First help yourself and then God will help you.
  • English equivalent: God helps those who help themselves.
[/size]Pomozi sirotu na svoju sramotu.Translation: Help the poor one for your own shame.
[/size]Pored takvih prijatelja što će mi neprijatelji.Translation: With such friends, one doesn’t need enemies anymore.
  • English equivalent: With friends like those, who needs enemies?
[/size]Posle kiše dolazi sunce. (Posle kiše uvek dođe sunce)Translation: After rain comes sun.
[/size]Praviti od komarca magarca. (od muve slona).Translation: To make a donkey out of a mosquito.
  • English equivalent: To make a mountain out of a molehill.
[/size]Prodati rog pod svijeću.Translation: To sell a horn as if it was a candle.
[/size]Prodati mačka u vreći.Translation: To sell a cat in a bag.To succeed in selling something useless or of a very poor quality.

[/size]Prosto ko pasulj.Translation: As simple as beans
  • English equivalent: As easy as pie.
[/size]Prošla baba s kolačima.Translation: The old lady with cakes has already passed by.
  • Now it is too late to act (you have missed the opportunity to do something).
  • English: To miss the boat; American Sign Language: train go sorry
[/size]Prvo skoči pa reci hop.Translation: First leap, and then say “hop”!
  • English equivalent: Look before you leap.
  • Do something before you brag about it.
[/size]Puno baba, kilavo dijete. (SR: Mnogo babica kilava dečica)Translation: Many midwives, child will be feeble.
  • English equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
[/size]R[/color][/size]Raditi račun bez krčmara. (SR: Praviti račun bez krčmara= raditi nepromišljeno)Translation: To make the bill without the bartender (to do something hasty)
[/size]Rugala se sova senici. (SR: Rugala se šerpa loncu, široka mu usta; Rugala se ruga; )Translation: The owl mocked the tit. / A pan was mocking a pot because his mouth is big.
  • English equivalent: The pot calls the kettle black.
[/size]Ruka ruku mije.Translation: One hand washes the other.
  • English equivalent: You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
  • Latin equivalent: Manus manum lavat.
[/size]Ružnoj devojci ogledalo krivo.Translation: An ugly girl blames the mirror.
  • English equivalent: ? A bad craftsman blames his tools.
[/size]S[/color][/size]Samo Sloga Srbina SpasavaTranslation: Only unity saves the Serbs.
[/size]Sit gladnom ne veruje.Translation: The well fed one does not believe the hungry one.
[/size]Svakog gosta tri dana dosta.Translation: Three days of any guest is plenty.
  • English equivalent: Fish and visitors stink after three days.
[/size]Sve je dobro što se dobro svrši.English equivalent and translation: All’s well that ends well.
[/size]Sve se vraća sve se plaćaTranslation: Everything has to be returned, everything has to be paid for.
  • English equivalent: What goes around, comes around.
Sve što je dobro kratko traje.Translation: All that’s well lasts short.
  • English equivalent: All good things come to an end.

[/size]Svuda pođi, kući dođi.Translation: Go everywhere, but come back home.
  • English Equivalent: There’s no place like home.
[/size]Svi putevi vode u Rim.English equivalent and translation: All roads lead to Rome.
[/size]Strpljen – spašen.Translation: Patient – saved.
  • English equivalent: All things come to he who waits.
[/size]Što bi gore sad je dolje, a što bi dolje sad je gore.Translation: What once was up now is down and what once was down now is up
  • English equivalent: What goes around comes around.
[/size]Što je previše, ni s kruhom nije dobro.Translation: What is too much is not good even with bread.
  • English equivalent: Too much of anything is bad for you
[/size]Što možeš danas, ne ostavljaj za sutra.Translation: Do not leave for tomorrow, things you can do today.
  • English equivalent: Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today (Better now than later).
[/size]T[/color][/size]Teško žabu u vodu natjerati.Translation: It is difficult to chase a frog into the water. (sarcasticaly)
[/size]Tiha voda brege dere. (SR: Tiha voda breg roni)Translation: Still water wears down mountains./Anything is possible with time.
  • English equivalent: Still waters run deep.
[/size]Tko kupuje što mu ne treba, prodavat će što mu treba.Translation: He who buys what he does not need will (eventually have to) sell what he needs.
[/size]Tko pita, ne skita. (SR: Ko pita ne skita)Translation: He who asks, need not wander.
[/size]Tko pod drugim jamu kopa, sam u nju pada. (SR: Ko drugom jamu kopa, sam u nju upada)Translation: He who digs a hole under someone else will fall into it himself.
[/size]Tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi. (SR: Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi)Translation: He who wakes up early, catches two fortunes.
  • English equivalent: The early bird catches the worm.
[/size]Tko s malom djecom liježe, popišan se budi. (SR: Ko sa decom spava, popišan se budi)Translation: If one goes to bed with small kids, wakes up wet.
[/size]Tko se zadnji smije, najslađe se smije. (SR: Ko se poslednji smeje, najslađe se smeje)Translation: He who laughs last has the sweetest laugh.
  • English equivalent: He who laughs last laughs best.
[/size]Tko umije, njemu dvije.Translation: He who can, gets two.
[/size]Tko želi rata, bio mu u kući.Translation: Who wishes war, may war be in his house.
[/size]Tri loša ubiše Miloša.Translation: Three bad ones killed Milosh.
[/size]Triput meri, jednom seci.Translation: Measure thrice, cut once; think first, act later.
  • English Equivalent: Think twice before you cut; Think first, act later.
  • Similar to: Think before you speak
[/size]U[/color][/size]U laži su kratke noge.Translation: In lies one has short legs.
  • English equivalent: A lie has no legs.
[/size]U tom grmu leži/čuči zec!Translation: That’s the bush where the hare squats.
  • English equivalent: ? to find a solution to a problem
[/size]Umiljato jagnje dve ovce sisa.Translation: Cuddly lamb sucks two ewes.
  • English equivalent: Similar to Flattery will get you anywhere.
[/size]Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse.Translation: Trust yourself and your horse.
  • English Equivalent: If you want to get things done, do it yourself.
[/size]V[/color][/size]Vreme je novac.English equivalent and translation: Time is money.
[/size]Vrana vrani oči ne vadiTranslation: A crow doesn’t pick out another crow’s eyes.
  • English equivalent: A thief does not steal from another thief.
[/size]Vuk dlaku menja, ali ćud nikada.Translation: The wolf changes his hair, but never his temperament.
  • English equivalent: A fox may change its skin, but never its character.
  • Latin equivalent: Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores.
[/size]Z[/color][/size]Željezo se kuje dok je vruće. (SR: Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće)English equivalent and translation: Forge while the iron is hot.
[/size]Žuri polako.Translation: Hasten slowly.
  • English equivalent: Slowly but carefully.
  • Latin equivalent: Festina lente.
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« Odgovor #63 : 09.02.2016. 21:37:54 »

Portal na španjolskom jeziku. Rječnik i definicije za španjolski jezik.
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« Odgovor #64 : 17.02.2016. 14:12:28 » - Jezični savjeti (hrvatski jezik). Zbirka jednostavnijih jezičnih savjeta.

Dodano na listu.

Nisam lud, majka me testirala!

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« Odgovor #65 : 10.03.2016. 20:39:09 »

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« Odgovor #66 : 11.03.2016. 02:06:35 »
Dosta prevodim s njemačkog, pa ponekad mi treba pojašnjenje za neki pojam...
Od online rječnika, bolje reći pojmovnika, ne znam za bolji od
Dakle, nešto kao njemačko-njemački rječnik - da ti rod (član), pojašnjenje (pojašnjenja, ako ima više značenja), razlaganje na slogove, izgovor (može se i čuti), porijeklo, gramatiku (npr. promjenu kroz padeže kod imenice) tipičnu upotrebu, primjere...

Kako god, prevodiocima s njemačkog, onima koji ga uče, kao i ostalima kad im naleti neka njemačka riječ, sigurno može biti od koristi...

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« Odgovor #67 : 11.03.2016. 12:03:45 »
Hvala, dodan je na listu u prvom postu.  smileyNO1

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« Odgovor #68 : 15.03.2016. 11:41:43 »
Ovo je stvarno ogromno VAAAAUUUU  :o i veliko HVALA!!! tiNe treba mi cesto ali kada mi bude trebalo znam gde da pogledam ubuduce.

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« Odgovor #69 : 28.04.2016. 19:03:15 » - Korisni savjeti iz pravopisa i gramatike poredani u četiri sekcije.
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« Odgovor #70 : 19.05.2016. 12:51:28 » - četiri prijevoda Biblije.

Korisna stranica kad prevodim biblijske citate. Osim četiri prijevoda, može se poslušati i zvuk. Samo ukucate u pretragu ono što trebate. Na primjer: Luka 15.
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« Odgovor #71 : 18.06.2016. 13:44:26 »

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« Odgovor #72 : 27.06.2016. 15:11:28 » - Hrvatski digitalni rječnici
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« Odgovor #73 : 28.07.2016. 00:05:47 » — geološka terminologija i nomenklatura.

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« Odgovor #74 : 13.08.2016. 18:28:49 » — englesko-hrvatski rječnik i leksikon pojmova vezanih za hvatanje i geološko skladištenje ugljikova dioksida

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« Odgovor #75 : 16.08.2016. 05:45:11 »    Švedsko - bosanski, hrvatski, makedonski, srpski i još 16 jezika.
Bravar je bio bolji

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« Odgovor #76 : 08.09.2016. 14:17:12 »
Odlicna tema, super korisno! Svaka cast i hvala svima!

Skroman doprinos:

Jednojezican recnik: ;
Recnik kolokacija na engleskom: ;
Online spell check za engleski samo: ;

Pozdrav! :)

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« Odgovor #77 : 24.10.2016. 00:20:19 »
Veliki spisak naziva skupina u kojima se kreću životinje. Samo engleski nazivi.

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« Odgovor #79 : 09.12.2016. 14:07:58 »
Hrvatski rječnik stopljenica

Što su stopljenice?

Stopljenice su vrsta složenica kao npr. Trumpokalipsa (Trump + apokalipsa), ili Brangelina (Brad + Angelina), ili fenomentastično (fenomenalno + fantastično): jedna se riječ preklapa s drugom, pri čemu se neki dijelovi mogu izgubiti.

Pretežno su žargonske riječi, ali neke postupno ulaze i u standard, npr. radoholičar (raditi + alkoholičar), kazalištarije (kazalište + koještarije), a neke su potpuno u standardnom jeziku: kiborg (kibernetika + organizam), hermafrodit (Hermes + Afrodita), Tanzanija (Tanganjika + Zanzibar) i sl.

Evo još nekoliko primjera:

čoporativno - čopor + korporativno
katastrašno - katastrofa + strašno
hladijator - hladan + radijator
modrmatura - moderatura + drmati
doviđorno - doviđenja + bonđorno
depresranje - depresija + sranje
krepatorij - krepati + krematorij
brukomet - bruka + rukomet
stipenzija - stipendija + penzija
Blistok - Bliski + istok
zboviđenja - zbogom + doviđenja.
mockumentary - mock + documentary
« Zadnja izmjena: 09.12.2016. 14:09:31 LemonzOO »
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« Odgovor #80 : 19.12.2016. 22:41:54 »

The snooty, snotty, toity, hoity, farty, arty, decaffeinated, fruit-flavored tea-bag, semi-skimmed cream of Gasforth elite.

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« Odgovor #81 : 05.04.2017. 10:57:04 »

skida sve tekstove sa Scribda

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« Odgovor #82 : 15.03.2018. 20:00:16 » — Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Skraćena online-verzija Hrvatske školske gramatike.
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« Odgovor #83 : 05.09.2018. 20:19:01 »
Ovo bi se moglo dodati među "frazeološke rječnike": - Lexikon für Redewendungen (Rječnik fraza, idioma, idiomatskih izraza, izreka, kolokvijalnog govora) - njemački

Primjera radi, upravo prevodio ovo:
Dein Vater hat mir einen Einlauf verpasst, und 'ne Abmahnung.
Bukvalno bi bilo: Tvoj otac mi je uradio klistir i dao upozorenje.  ;D
Ali kad sam našao einen Einlauf verpassen vidiš da ga je: naribao, očitao mu bukvicu i slično - znači, izgrdio ga, ali u žargonu, pa sam stavio;
Tvoj otac mi je očitao bukvicu i upozorio me.
« Zadnja izmjena: 05.09.2018. 20:24:51 sabko »
