Serije > OPREZ: Otvoreno o serijama bez spoilera
Spoiler for SAMUEL (Robert Knepper): *Samuel is an evolved human with the ability to manipulate earth.
*Terrakinesis is the ability to control geologic materials such as dirt and rocks
*Samuel is the Knife Thrower's brother.
*Samuel and the Knife Thrower are related to David Sullivan. (vakcinisani vojnik iz Our father)
Spoiler for LYDIA (Dawn Olivieri): *She is the tattoo girl and she will have the ability to turn her tattoos real or use them to give her abilities
*Her tattoos will glow when her power is in use
*She may give people tattoos as a sort of tracking device so she doesn't lose them
*Her tattoes are precognitive.
*She will have the ability of empathy (Peter's ability)
Spoiler for GRETCHEN (hahaha): *Gretchen will have an ability, which she will use to make Claire kiss her.
*Gretchen witnesses Claire heal and accepts her as she is, this is what attracts the two together.
*Gretchen will be Claire's love interest.
*Gretchen will have a lesbian relationship with Claire
lol rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Spoiler for MOHINDER: *There has been no news at all of Mohinder's involvement this season
— perhaps he commits suicide early on and the other Heroes must discover why he would do so.
:( cry1
U spoiler temu ne moras da stavljas u spoilere ;D
Što je sigurno -sigurno je ;D
Kao sto rekoh, nameravao sam ovo da stavim u originalnu Heroes temu,
ali sam se predomislio i otvorio ovu temu i kopirao sve, i eto otud spoileri...
A i nekako mi je preglednije... Mozda nekoga npr zanima samo Mohinder.
ne mogu da verujem da i dalje izmisljaju nove moci i nove likove...
dovoljno ih je, neka se malo fajtaju ;D
akcija, akcija!
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