Autor Tema: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)  (Posjeta: 1297844 )

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4680 : 14.05.2015. 22:26:10 »
Spike strip?

Vidim da Rusi to zovu "jež", ali mislim da mi nemamo naziv za to...

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4681 : 14.05.2015. 23:18:26 »
I kod nas se to zove jež, IIRC.
A guy with a BIG fuckin gun is not more dangerous than a guy with a club... It's only a matter of range and reach... :D

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4682 : 14.05.2015. 23:22:56 »
OK, super! Hvala  :)

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4683 : 15.05.2015. 13:09:25 »
He was a little afraid when he learned that we are bound to our order only by yearly vows. I explained this rule to him. -Yes, Reverend Mother.

radi se o redovnicama anglikankama. ne znam kako da ovo lijepo napišem.

... kad je doznao da naš red mora svake godine polagati/obnavljati zavjete?
« Zadnja izmjena: 15.05.2015. 13:11:34 amiS »

Offline Ben Dover

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4684 : 15.05.2015. 22:12:46 »
@Cakana, Markossa: Onda kapska kobra, ako ste pronašli taj naziv. Izvinjavam se što sam uneo zabunu.

@amiS: Uznemirio se saznavši da zavete našem redu obnavljamo godišnje.
I see that you're enticed by my daughter's awesome rocking tits.

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4685 : 16.05.2015. 17:41:45 »

imam još par nedoumica za film Black Narcissus:

1. Would you like some coffee?
-Can you make it decently.
-Can I make coffe?
-Can she? [pita drugu časnu]
-[odmahuje glavom] Full of gritz. - Jel ovo soc? Znate neki naziv iz standardnog jezika? ne pijem kavu.

2. Princ je kupio parfem u 'arms and navy store' u Londonu? - jel ovo neka kvaka? kupio je parfem u vojnoj trgovini? i u španjolskom titlu kažu isto. čudno mi je to.

3. Ne razumijem što klinac kaže na 1.26:40 na ovom video:
Fine day, lemani. The people call it ... of the snows. - lemani je izraz od milja. EDiT: izgleda da kaže 'the flowering of the snows'.

« Zadnja izmjena: 16.05.2015. 18:00:43 amiS »

Offline GrayGhost PrijevodiOnline

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4686 : 16.05.2015. 22:58:51 »
1. čini mi se da misli na jaku (tursku) kafu (da se oma izvrneš)
2. vidi da li misli na ovo
(možda samo da staviš da je kupio skup parfem)
3. kaže klinac to - a našao sam negde nekakvu analizu, baci oko:
pominje se baš taj deo:
Joseph Anthony (Eddie Whalley Jnr.), a young servant boy, links this visual effect to the film's theme of blossoming when he tells Clodagh that the locals call the effect 'the *flowering of the snows*'.
Speed has never killed anyone.
Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.

Offline Dena-XO1

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4687 : 17.05.2015. 00:51:53 »
Nepoznati objekt. -Otkud se stvorio?
Perhaps it sneaked in at wave level.

Doslovni prijevod nema baš smisla.
''Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.'' - Lord Tennyson
"Alle, die in Schönheit gehn, werden in Schönheit auferstehn." - R. M. Rilke

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4688 : 17.05.2015. 10:06:55 »
možda se odnosi na "tik iznad talasa" ako je u igri neko dešavanje koje uključuje veću vodenu površinu, nešto u fazonu "provukao se idući/krećući se tik iznad talasa" (avion ili slično)
Speed has never killed anyone.
Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.

Offline amiS

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4689 : 17.05.2015. 10:37:17 »
hvala, Gray. za prvo možda stavim 'talog'.

drugo je to što si napisao, a za treće ću vjerojatno doslovno prevesti. ili staviti 'bujanje snjegova'.
dobio sam užasan transkript, a poslije našao normalan na netu.

Offline Dena-XO1

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4690 : 17.05.2015. 13:35:20 »
Hvala, GrayGhost, stavit ću onda tako.  smileyNO1
''Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.'' - Lord Tennyson
"Alle, die in Schönheit gehn, werden in Schönheit auferstehn." - R. M. Rilke

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4691 : 17.05.2015. 14:32:01 »
razumijete li što kaže prije 'like a unicorn with a bag of magic salt'

a bome ne znam ni ovo prevesti:

If you've taken on debt from a mortgage, you hope your house will increase in value. If you think there's a high chance the value will increase, you might go double or nothing and take on a bigger mortgage.

ne kužim poveznicu između duga i hipoteke. i zašto bi vrijednost kuće porasla?
« Zadnja izmjena: 17.05.2015. 15:09:16 amiS »

Offline GrayGhost PrijevodiOnline

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4692 : 17.05.2015. 21:43:04 »
vidi da li kaže ovo:
...which, like a unicorn with a bag of magic salt, is a nice idea but is pretty much...

a ovo drugo blage veze nemam kako bih ga sročio ni s našeg na naš jezik, moš streljat i triput  ;D
« Zadnja izmjena: 17.05.2015. 22:42:40 GrayGhost »
Speed has never killed anyone.
Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.

Offline Ben Dover

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4693 : 18.05.2015. 09:15:56 »
1. But here’s the kicker: the hangover of austerity is not gonna be felt the same across the income distribution. Earlier this year, the Forum for the governments of the world’s most developed states, the Group of 20, called for growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, which, like a unicorn with a bag of magic salt, is a nice idea, but is pretty much bullshit.

Ne znam koji deo nisi čuo, evo ti cela rečenica-dve. ;D

2. Ako se zadužujete po osnovi hipoteke / uzmete hipotekarni kredit, nadate se da će vrednost vaše kuće porasti; ako mislite da će vrednost porasti, možda se odlučite uzeti veću hipoteku / zadužiti se više, kao udvostručavanje uloga u ajncu.

Nek ti neki ekonomista raspetljava te odnose među ovime i onime (šta zbog čega raste, šta uzrokuje pad čega), to valjda samo oni i razumeju. ;D Ja kontam da ima veze s privrednim rastom. Evo korisnog priloga koji ima veze s ovime što se priča (odnosi se na ono što u Americi zovu double mortgage):

They are talking about a 2nd mortgage. Here's how it works.

You buy a house and take out a mortgage (loan) to pay for it. That's the first mortgage because it gets filed first. Let's say the property price was $100,000 and you put $10,000 down so the first mortgage would be for $90,000.

Down the road the property is now worth $150,000 and you want to get some cash out of your house now that's it's worth more. You're going to take out a 2nd mortgage because the first mortgage is still there. On a 2nd they'll usually only loan 80% of the value so total of all mortgages combined can only be $120,000 so, you could expect to get a 2nd mortgage for $30,000 and spend the $30,000 any way you want. It might be a tad more than that because you're original first mortgage of $90,000 would actually be a bit less than $90,000 because you've been making payments on it.

The problem with 2nd mortgages is the interest rate is a lot higher than the first mortgage. Why? If the house goes into foreclosure the first mortgage gets paid off first. If there's anything left after that and, often there isn't, then the 2nd mortgage gets paid off. In other words, the risk to the lender is a lot higher so the interest rate is too, yeah, like 6% for a first mortgage and 18% for a 2nd mortgage. The payback period is usually a lot shorter too, like 4 years for a 2nd mortgage versus 30 years for a first mortgage. The net effect is payments on a 2nd mortgage can be really high.

Another way to get that $30,000 out is to refinance. That way the entire $120,000 will be at 6% for 30 years.
I see that you're enticed by my daughter's awesome rocking tits.

Offline amiS

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4694 : 18.05.2015. 09:39:22 »
1. But here’s the kicker: the hangover of austerity is not gonna be felt the same across the income distribution. Earlier this year, the Forum for the governments of the world’s most developed states, the Group of 20, called for growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, which, like a unicorn with a bag of magic salt, is a nice idea, but is pretty much bullshit.

1. ovo nisam razumio, izgleda   u_jeeeeeeeeee

2. sad mi je jasnije. zbunio me izraz 'debt from a mortgage' a to je samo 'hipoteka'.

hvala  smileyNO1

Offline amiS

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4695 : 19.05.2015. 14:28:54 »
opet ja, zaredalo mi se  :)

na ovom videu ne razumijem sljedeće:

1. 7.05 - We put too much ... in economists, perhaps. (talk? dawk? doc?)
2. 9.20 - There was deinsititualization, so I had to find something else and my idea was to become a... (tax evant, duck servant, tax servant?)
3. 9.34 - So if we all just ... of each other (steal tax pays?)
4. 14.27 ... was our version of it. (ebola simpson, bowl simpson?)
5. 17.10 - 17.17 wasn't it always... (thus? us?)
6. 33.03 - Yeah, I think my forthcoming job at ... is gonna be largely about having dinner with them.
(Kenya? zvuči i kao kratica nekog sveučilišta)

a ovo je tek prvih 35 minuta  :(

Offline Commandoguru

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4696 : 19.05.2015. 15:23:18 »
opet ja, zaredalo mi se  :)

na ovom videu ne razumijem sljedeće:

1. 7.05 - We put too much stock in economists, perhaps. (talk? dawk? doc?)
2. 9.20 - There was deinsititualization, so I had to find something else and my idea was to become a tax heaven basically (tax evant, duck servant, tax servant?)
3. 9.34 - So if we all just steal tax base of each other (steal tax pays?)
4. 14.27 The bold Simpsonizm was our version of it. (ebola simpson, bowl simpson?)
5. 17.10 - 17.17 There's quite... I... I think we, we really... I really is question wasn't it always thus. (thus? us?)
6. 33.03 - Yeah, I think my forthcoming job at Kinnion??? is gonna be largely about having dinner with them.
(Kenya? zvuči i kao kratica nekog sveučilišta)

a ovo je tek prvih 35 minuta  :(
A guy with a BIG fuckin gun is not more dangerous than a guy with a club... It's only a matter of range and reach... :D

Offline Gale.

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4697 : 19.05.2015. 23:45:58 »
Lik se izvalio u 'ladovini, ispod drveta. Kaže da je prekriven honeysuckle.
U Irskoj se radnja odvija...

Da li se misli na kozokrvnice?  :ceska:

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4698 : 20.05.2015. 00:15:28 »
Misli se na tu familiju biljaka, ali najjednostavnije je staviti u prevod puzavice.

Offline Dena-XO1

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4699 : 20.05.2015. 21:28:22 »
Pričaju o nekoj curi. Tip veli da mu se nekoć sviđala, no kad je počela prodavati ribu, to se promijenilo. Nakon  toga kaže:

Bilo je dobro gledati
nogomet na otvorenom.

But when she got hot in the pictures...

Ljudi su mijenjali
sjedala. To je ponižavajuće.
''Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.'' - Lord Tennyson
"Alle, die in Schönheit gehn, werden in Schönheit auferstehn." - R. M. Rilke

Offline Cakana

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4700 : 20.05.2015. 21:46:23 »
Ne znam  da li ovo pomaže i ima li smisla u širem kontekstu  :ne-zna jedino što sam našla

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4701 : 21.05.2015. 12:59:45 »
opet ja, zaredalo mi se  :)

na ovom videu ne razumijem sljedeće:

1. 7.05 - We put too much stock in economists, perhaps. (talk? dawk? doc?)
2. 9.20 - There was deinsititualization, so I had to find something else and my idea was to become a tax heaven basically (tax evant, duck servant, tax servant?)
3. 9.34 - So if we all just steal tax base of each other (steal tax pays?)
4. 14.27 The bold Simpsonizm was our version of it. (ebola simpson, bowl simpson?)
5. 17.10 - 17.17 There's quite... I... I think we, we really... I really is question wasn't it always thus. (thus? us?)
6. 33.03 - Yeah, I think my forthcoming job at Kinnion??? is gonna be largely about having dinner with them.
(Kenya? zvuči i kao kratica nekog sveučilišta)

a ovo je tek prvih 35 minuta  :(

hvala, commando!

4. su Bowles i Simpson, političari. 7. je CUNY - City University of New York

evo sljedeće runde:

1. 42.03-42.07 - rečenica prije It just doesnt work that way, a poslije ... and they'd be off with the same opportunities.

2. 47.19 - There have been enormous number of people who really benefited
... in the last 50 years. Just not in America.
(senior incomes grow? - ako da, kako onda prevesti? porast dohotka starijih osoba?)

3. 54.44 - There's a graph that ... recently produced. i odmah poslije toga kaže: If you put the percentile rank in the family income distribution and the probability to access higher education, you go almost from 0 to 100. - otprilike znam što kaže ali ne znam sročiti da ispadne ljudski.

4. 58.39 - the finance ... sector

još 15 minuta  navijacica

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4702 : 21.05.2015. 13:30:08 »
1 and invisible hand of marketplace...
It takes a lot of courage to say nice things anonymously

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4703 : 21.05.2015. 14:02:58 »
Možda je ovo pod 2 "see" umesto "senior", u smislu "vidite, povećali su im se prihodi"; pod 4. "finance sort sector" - tako mi zvuči, ovaj Francuz je skroz nerazumljiv

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4704 : 21.05.2015. 14:54:05 »
2. mislim da si dobro čuo (senior incomes grow) - mislim da priča o porastu mirovina

3.There's a graph that ... recently produced - ne znam - izbaci tu riječ.
    If you put the percentile rank in the family income... - pogledamo li graf, šanse za visoko (više) obrazovanje su povezane s obiteljskim primanjima i kreću se od 0 do 100

4. "finance sort sector" - i ja to čujem - izbaci tu riječ
It takes a lot of courage to say nice things anonymously

Offline Ben Dover

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4705 : 21.05.2015. 16:01:16 »
Možda je ova snimila neke „izazovne“ fotografije (i okačila na društvene mreže, šta već) da se ljudima smučila i zgadila, pa je se klone.

1. Domosovo.
2. Ne, po strukturi rečenice ne može nikako senior, a to se ne može povezati ni s income. Penzija/mirovina je se ne kaže „senior income“. Rekao je seeing: There have been enormous number of people who really benefited seeing their incomes grow in the last 50 years, just not in America. = Ogroman broj ljudi je profitirao od većih plata u zadnjih 50 godina, jedino ne u Americi.
3. Pominje dva prezimena; po toj dvojici autora neki grafikon predskazuje to o čemu priča. To ne znam može li se izbaciti. Ostatak rečenice je domos dobro sročio na našem.
4. Nisam siguran ni da je izgovorio neku reč između finance i sector, zvuči kao da je „srknuo“ vazduh.
I see that you're enticed by my daughter's awesome rocking tits.

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4706 : 21.05.2015. 17:35:12 »
hvala svima na pomoći, iskombinirat ću to  :)

3.  taj graf vjerojatno postoji na netu pa ću naći imena

4. Nisam siguran ni da je izgovorio neku reč između finance i sector, zvuči kao da je „srknuo“ vazduh.

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4707 : 21.05.2015. 21:49:09 »
Misli se na tu familiju biljaka, ali najjednostavnije je staviti u prevod puzavice.
To i pomislih na prvu da stavim. Htedoh da budem određeniji, ali džabe bih komplikovao.
Zato stavih puzavice. Hvala Aleks@.  :)

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Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4708 : 21.05.2015. 22:16:01 »
Pričaju o nekoj curi. Tip veli da mu se nekoć sviđala, no kad je počela prodavati ribu, to se promijenilo. Nakon  toga kaže:

Bilo je dobro gledati
nogomet na otvorenom.

But when she got hot in the pictures...

Ljudi su mijenjali
sjedala. To je ponižavajuće.

Ali kad se uzbudila/zagrijala/zapalila u kinu...

The pictures je u britišu kinematograf, kino, bioskop, multipleks... a očito je gospodičnu pratio vonj ribe (na otvorenom mu nije bio problem, ali u zatvorenom...).
Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself.
La gente giudica e non sa neanche lei perché

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  • Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto
Odg: Zapeo sam kod prevođenja! Trebam pomoć! (2)
« Odgovor #4709 : 21.05.2015. 22:17:57 »
Hvala, mijau. Prijevod odgovara. smileyNO1
« Zadnja izmjena: 21.05.2015. 22:22:09 Dena-XO1 »
''Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.'' - Lord Tennyson
"Alle, die in Schönheit gehn, werden in Schönheit auferstehn." - R. M. Rilke