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« Odgovor #30 : 18.02.2009. 22:40:13 »
Upravo je tako kako MilanRS kaze, ali sutra bi trebao pogledati epizodu ako sve bude ok.
A sto se tice izdajice, svud se govori o njemo tako da mi nije to moglo promaknuti, a i prije svih komentara sam vidio najavu za sljedecu epizoda pa mi je i tada vec dosta toga bilo jasno.

A sto se Jume tice jedino bi ga u Africi mogli prikazati.
On je bio u Africi dosada, e sad, mozda ga i prikazu u Americi ali onda bi volio znati koliko inace u stvarnosti traje putovanje iz Afrike do Amerike avionom? Ako se budu toga drzali onda da, a ne sad da je odjednom u Americi - mislim da taj propust nece napraviti.

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« Odgovor #31 : 18.02.2009. 22:42:05 »
Pa da, ali, mozda je Dzuma krenuo ranije.
Pretpostavimo da je krenuo iz Afrike u prvoj epizodi, i da se pojavi za 2 epizode, to je 10 sati, mislim da je to dovoljno vremena da se iz Afrike stigne u Ameriku.


Pa mene je iznerviralo na pocetku ove nove epizode, odma su prvu scenu prikazali da je Hitna dosla na mesto gde je upucan Henri Tejlor, a tek na kraju prosle je Dzek rekao agentici Voker da pozove hitnu, znaci nisu jos bili pozvali Hitnu u prosloj epizodi, a odma na startu ove je dosla.
« Zadnja izmjena: 18.02.2009. 22:43:47 SuperSerb »

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« Odgovor #32 : 18.02.2009. 22:43:14 »
Nisam to znao.
Pa Ivice, zar nemas nijednog prijatelja koji prati 24? :)
Od ovih u blizini ne.
Ma pola njih vjerojatno ni ne zna da je sada u toku sedma sezona :lol

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« Odgovor #33 : 19.02.2009. 13:44:07 »
Question: Dude, the foreshadowing in this week's 24 has me worried for Chloe's safety. Please tell me she's not going to take a header into the Dead Pool come season end. -- Nicole
Ausiello: Relax, Chloe isn't dying. But someone else is this Monday. Also in next week's ep: A 24 fave returns and a new threat will be revealed! (Is it just me, or did that last sentence read like a Fox promo? I think I've been doing this too long.)

Da vam prevedem - u sledecoj epizodi ce neko da otegne papke. (ne neko nebitan) I otkricemo sta je nova pretnja Americi.
« Zadnja izmjena: 19.02.2009. 21:28:24 SuperSerb »

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« Odgovor #34 : 20.02.2009. 13:41:24 »

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« Odgovor #36 : 21.02.2009. 11:15:01 »
24 - Day 7: 8:00PM-9:00PM - Press Release


When Dubaku’s (Hakeem Kae-Kazim) evil plan escalates to General Juma (Tony Todd), the stakes are raised and steadfast President Taylor (Cherry Jones) faces a deepening foreign-policy dilemma. Meanwhile, heroic sacrifices are made and casualties stack up when Jack Bauer takes charge as a high-impact terror threat develops stateside and the nation remains at risk in the “Day 7: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM” episode of 24 airing Monday, March 9 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-713) (TV-14 L V)

Cast: Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer; Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O’ Brian; James Morrison as Bill Buchanan; Janeane Garofalo as Janis Gold; Cherry Jones as President Allison Taylor; Carlos Bernard as Tony Almeida; Annie Wersching as Renee Walker; Colm Feore as Henry Taylor; Bob Gunton as Ethan Kanin; Rhys Coiro as Sean Hillinger; Jeffrey Nordling as Larry Moss

Guest Cast: Kurtwood Smith as Senator Blaine Mayer; Tony Todd as General Juma; Eyal Podell as Ryan Burnett; Glenn Morshower as Aaron Pierce; Cameron Daddo as Vice President Hayworth; Sprague Grayden as Olivia Taylor; Ryan Cutrona as Admiral Smith; Frank John Hughes as Tim Woods; Jnnifer Carta as Presidential Aid; Hakeem Kae-Kazim as Dubaku; Jon Voight as Jonas Hodges

Source: Fox

Dokaz da nas tek ocekuju najbolje epizode. :):):)

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« Odgovor #37 : 24.02.2009. 22:45:56 »
S07E01 - 12,845 milijuna gledatelja
S07E02 - 12,685 milijuna gledatelja
S07E03 - 11.95 milijuna gledatelja
S07E04 - 12.67 milijuna gledatelja
S07E05 - 12,108 milijuna gledatelja
S07E06 - 12.13 milijuna gledatelja
S07E07 - 11.28 milijuna gledatelja
S07E08 - 10.50 milijuna gledatelja
S07E09 - 11.26 milijuna gledatelja

Za novu epizodu:
S07E10 - 11.61 milijuna gledatelja

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« Odgovor #38 : 24.02.2009. 22:46:41 »
Odlicno, gledanost raste.
Jesmo li opet rasturili Heroes? :)

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« Odgovor #39 : 24.02.2009. 22:49:17 »
Bez problema, Herojima je ova nova epizoda bila najmanje gledana epizoda u trecoj sezoni, vjerojatno je to i najmanje gledana epizoda Heroja uopce.

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« Odgovor #40 : 24.02.2009. 23:12:19 »
Sta mislite o ovoj epizodi?
Meni je ovo bila jedna od boljih, a ubedljivo najjaca scena je ono kad Dzek sedi na stepenicama, Toni mu prilazi i zalazak sunca.
To mi je jedan od boljih scena u ovoj sedmoj sezoni. A tek nam sad predstoje prava uzbudjenja.
U sledecoj epizodi ce Dzuma da se pojavi. :)

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« Odgovor #41 : 25.02.2009. 00:38:22 »
Evo pogledah ovu epizodu. Bila je dobra, nista posebno da se mene pita.
Sljedeci tjedan nam dolaze 2 nove epizode a nakon sto njih pogledamo dosli smo do pola sedme sezone.
I vec se polako moze govoriti o tome kakva je ova sezona.

Inace, evo najava za sljedece dvije epizode koje izlaze sljedeci tjedan, ukratko, Juma je u Americi i napada Bijelu kuću, biti će vatreno i nesigurno, a o akciji da ne govorim:

A sto se ove epizode tice, moram priznati da se Sean dobro snasao ali svejedno ga vrlo jednostavno uhvatise, i taman kada treba da bude kraj svega dolazi Tony, naravno, svaki puta kad smo njega vidjeli u sezoni bilo je problema hehe.
Uglavnom, ovo me dosta podsjeca na sestu sezonu. Kada je isto tamo negdje u sredini sezone ili malo poslije sve bilo gotovo i onda se pojavi onaj kinez sa Audrey.

Uglavnom, nakon neuspjeha Dubakua dolazi glavni covjek - Juma. Vidimo da ce napasti Bijelu Kucu, no sto poslije toga? Jos ima 12 epizoda koje se moraju prikazati, ako ne brojimo ove sljedece dvije. Ne znam, ali ovo mi ne djeluje previse ohrabrujuce, prebrzo i prelako ih hvataju i nekako mi nije to to. Dobra mi je sezona, ali tesko da ce mi biti bolja od uvjerljivo najbolje pete sezone ove serije.

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« Odgovor #42 : 25.02.2009. 16:15:16 »
Ja ne mogu da docekam utorak, jos dolaze dve epizode... nikad nisam bio nestrpljiviji u cekanju nove epizode. :)
A jos ova najava... Dzuma uleteo u Belu Kucu, pucnjava na sve strane, i na kraju kaze Dzuma:

Move your men out of the building, or i will kill the president. :)

Ali bez brige, mislim da nece nista da bude presednici dok je Dzek uz nju.
I da, nisam video Tonija u najavi, valjda ce i on da bude uz Dzeka u Beloj Kuci.

A sta mislite, kako ce Toni da zavrsi na kraju?
Ja mislim da ce da se smuva sa predsednicinom cerkom. :)


Evo stiglo nam je jos malo spoilera.

24 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) – “9:00 PM-10:00 PM”
Malevolent mastermind Jonas Hodges (Jon Voight) – first seen in 24: REDEMPTION – emerges as Jack Bauer's latest adversary as the long, terrifying day ticks deeper into the night. Jack yields results from a surprise meeting, and the fight to avert additional terror attacks continues.

Source: FOX

24 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) – “10:00 PM-11:00 PM”
Olivia Taylor (Sprague Grayden), the President’s daughter, becomes increasingly involved in the day’s events, and the administration reels when a high-ranking official delivers devastating news.

Source: FOX

24 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) – “11:00 PM-12:00 AM”
The game changes for Jack Bauer, and the FBI is forced to collaborate with other federal agencies. As the threat intensifies, the administration shakes things up and seeks a new perspective.

Source: FOX

Bice interesantno. :)

Edit 2:

Jack and Renee Romance?!!!

The following scoop will take place between January 2010 and May 2010. All forthcoming spoilers will occur in real time.

Could it be that Jack Bauer is clock-blocked no more and will finally find time for a new romance?

24 executive producer Howard Gordon says that the increasingly intense moments between the disgraced CTU agent and his Season 7 sidekick, FBI agent Renee Walker, are leading to some good — if complicated — loving.

"They have established the emotional framework for a relationship that I think we're going to see manifested in the eighth season," Gordon tells "It's definitely part of our plan."

In the Fox thriller's latest hour, Renee slapped Jack — twice — before breaking down in his arms, distraught over the indirect role they played in an innocent woman's death. Of course, said tragedy came in the name of stopping the latest terrorist threat on U.S. soil.

Jack being Jack, whatever may come for him and Renee won't come easy. Says Gordon, "It's not a romance in the traditional sense of the word. It's a lot more broken and jagged than what you might imagine."

Since losing his wife to Original CTU Mole Nina at the climax of Season 1, Jack has only hooked up with Audrey Raines (played by Kim Raver) and trailer-park hottie Diane (the woefully underused Connie Britton). And where are they both these days? Gone.

As such, stepping into the role of Jack's next love interest had to be a daunting prospect for Annie Wersching. However, Gordon raves, the 24 newcomer "has really connected with the audience. I think she's done a spectacular job and we're extremely proud of her."

What's your take, 24 fans? Is Renee worthy of going under covers with Jack?

Source: TVGuide

Edit 3:

Evo malo dobrih vesti, gotovo je sigurno da ce biti 8. sezone.
Malo detaljnije:

Good news for 24 fans! Executive producer Howard Gordon has just confirmed the eighth season is most definitely coming—and soon!

Says Gordon, "We're gearing up for a May start date. I'm with the writers now just putting our heads together, coming up with an idea. Unless we fail to come up with an idea that's satisfactory, you'll see an eighth season." Holler!

And if that weren't exciting enough, Annie Wersching is confirmed to return next season, which might mean some lovin' for Mr. Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland), except that Gordon also teased a shocking death—could it even be Jack Bauer finally kicking the bucket?

Survey says: Not yet!

While the eighth season is secure, that doesn't mean Jack Bauer is. Gordon told us at TCA that a post-season-eight movie is likely, but apparently producers don't have their hearts set on it. Gordon said today, "We may decide ultimately if there's not a movie [story] worth telling, Jack may see his last day on television. He could die in the series...I think that's possible."

Now it's time for some goodies about Monday's major two-hour episode...

White House Drama: As I reported back in November, the White House is going to be attacked. As with any big 24 event, there will be plenty of deaths and a big hostage standoff. "These guys are in scuba gear, breaking through subterranean rock. Obviously it's more like a James Bond film than a documentary on how one would try to breach the White House," says Gordon. Still, pretty amazing...

Jack and Renee Sitting in a Tree: Even though Dubaku (Hakeem Kae-Kazim) is in the hospital, there's another Dubaku—his son—gunning for Renee (Annie Wersching). Renee's life is definitely in danger, but fret not! Gordon assures us that Agent Walker sticks around until next season, saying, "This season they establish the emotional framework for a relationship. We're going to see that manifested in the eighth season. It's definitely part of our plan, but it's not a romance in the traditional sense of the word. It's a lot more broken and jagged than what you might imagine."

Chloe's Baby Bump Ahoy: They have finally found their way to get Chloe offscreen so Mary-Lynn Rajskub could go have her baby. Gordon says, "She's going to be in some big trouble—she'll have to repair her legacy." But Chloe eventually returns, and the FBI desperately needs her later this season. "You'll see there is a distinction with what CTU was once able to do and what FBI is able to do, and that gets brought into relief when Chloe reenters the story at a later point," adds Gordon.

Big Bad Jonas: Finally, we really get to meet Jonas Hodge (Jon Voight) in Monday night's big event. We knew he had close ties to the government after seeing him on the presidential steps before the inauguration, but Gordon says, "You will get a full-bodied explanation of Jon Voight's motivations. He is in the tradition of all our best villains: very complicated, megalomaniacal and, in his view, well intentioned. You'll know in all its operatic glory why he's done what he's done." That doesn't sound too good for Jack!

So should Jack and Renee end up happily ever after? Hit the comments with your thoughts.

Source: E!Online
« Zadnja izmjena: 01.03.2009. 11:35:27 SuperSerb »

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« Odgovor #43 : 03.03.2009. 20:16:28 »
Gledanost novih epizoda:
S07E11 - 10.52 milijuna gledatelja
S07E12 - 11.96 milijuna gledatelja

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« Odgovor #44 : 04.03.2009. 00:41:20 »
Super je gledanost i dalje, samo mi je tesko da poverujem da je izmedju jedaneste i dvaneste, koje su emitovane sat za satom, razlika u gledanosti cak milion i po ljudi!

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« Odgovor #45 : 04.03.2009. 02:25:33 »
Pa to za drzavu poput Amerike nije nista.


Najava za epizodu 13:
« Zadnja izmjena: 04.03.2009. 02:30:58 by_Ivica »

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« Odgovor #46 : 05.03.2009. 13:50:46 »
Evo jos nekih vesti:

Question: 24 was crazy this week! Any scoop on what may happen next week? --Jessica
Ausiello: A longtime and much loved character will die while trying to save President Taylor.

Question: I absolutely love Renee Walker and President Taylor from 24! They are such amazing women! What intel do have on them? --Caroline
Ausiello: Agent Walker will get Jack clearance to torture Ryan Burnett, but my gut tells me one of Jon Voight's goons will get to the blabbermouth first. Meanwhile, the Prez's daughter, Olivia, shows her true colors to Ethan, and their confrontation leaves him a wee bit shaken. Methinks we've got another Sherry Palmer on our hands. Scratch that, meknows.

Obratite paznju na podbeljano. To znaci da ce da umre neko ko je sa nama "dugo i ko je veoma voljen" lik.
Po meni, najveci kandidati su: Aron Pirs i Bil Bukanan.

Bilo bi mi zao da ode bilo ko od njih dvojice, jer su svi zaista odlicni likovi.
Ali jbg, 24 je poznat po tome sto umire dosta glavnih likova.

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« Odgovor #47 : 07.03.2009. 21:37:53 »
Malo novih vesti (spojlera):


Perilous circumstances lead Jack Bauer and Tony Almeida to a shipyard, and back at the FBI, Agent Moss needs complete cooperation from his staff when the stressful situation takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, First Daughter Olivia Taylor (guest star Sprague Grayden) becomes increasingly involved in the politicking, and the administration reels when a high-ranking official delivers devastating news in the "Day 7: 10:00 PM-11:00 PM" episode of 24 airing Monday, March 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-715) (TV-14 V)

Source: Fox

As a new population-decimating threat is revealed, Jack gets a visit from his cougar-loving little girl, Kim, who reappears sans cougar but plus husband and daughter; Tony finds time for some nookie; and the prez's daughter emerges as 24's most ruthless villainess since Sherry Palmer. Oh, and more familiar faces will die, but you pretty much figured that, right?"

Korbi, I heard someone's dying on this week's 24 episode. Everyone's saying it's someone that we know well who will sacrifice their life for the president. Aaron Pierce (Glenn Morshower) is the goner, isn't he? -Jose
Actually, my 24 tattletale says Aaron Pierce will not kick the bucket tonight. Any other guesses?

To, izgleda da Aron Pirs nece da umre!!!!!!
« Zadnja izmjena: 09.03.2009. 23:22:39 SuperSerb »

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« Odgovor #48 : 10.03.2009. 00:56:06 »
Ako nije Aaron Pierce izgleda da cemo se oprostiti sa Billom Buchananom.
Stvarno velika steta, jbg, on mi je bio jedan od omiljenih karaktera u seriji.

I da, definitivno sam siguran da je onakav zalostan izraz Jacka Bauera na samom kraju najave za vecerasnju epizodu zbog toga sto ce umrijeti netko koga znamo duze vrijeme.

Jedino ako umre netko drugim osim Billa i Aarona, to ce meni biti pravo iznenadenje.
A i ovako, ako umre netko od ove dvojice, biti ce to stvarno velika velika steta.
A posto izgleda Aaron ne umire, velike su sanse da ce Billu prestati kucati srce nakon vecerasnje epizode.

Zivi bili pa vidjeli, hehe.  :)

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« Odgovor #49 : 10.03.2009. 12:38:34 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
bill umire  :( :( :(
« Zadnja izmjena: 10.03.2009. 14:01:39 radrad »

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« Odgovor #50 : 10.03.2009. 13:22:45 »
****umire  :( :( :(

Jest da sam gledao seriju pa znam, al koristi SPOJLEREEEEEEEE!!!
Citat: bugmenot11 - 14. 10. 2008 u 21:48:55
Mirko_Pevac je u pravu, koji kurac prijevod jos nije gotov ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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« Odgovor #51 : 10.03.2009. 13:35:27 »
Ovo je podforum gde se ne koriste spojler tagovi.
I bas ti hvala sto si mi rekao, ja jos nisam odgledao. :(

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« Odgovor #52 : 10.03.2009. 13:36:40 »
Ovo je podforum gde se ne koriste spojler tagovi.
I bas ti hvala sto si mi rekao, ja jos nisam odgledao. :(

Gle, stvarno, nisam obraćao pažnju, maj bed :$ :(
Citat: bugmenot11 - 14. 10. 2008 u 21:48:55
Mirko_Pevac je u pravu, koji kurac prijevod jos nije gotov ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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« Odgovor #53 : 10.03.2009. 20:01:13 »
Stvarno dirljiv trenutak u seriji.
Nisam pogledao cijelu epizodu, cekam Nagyja hehe.

S07E01 - 12,845 milijuna gledatelja
S07E02 - 12,685 milijuna gledatelja
S07E03 - 11.95 milijuna gledatelja
S07E04 - 12.67 milijuna gledatelja
S07E05 - 12,108 milijuna gledatelja
S07E06 - 12.13 milijuna gledatelja
S07E07 - 11.28 milijuna gledatelja
S07E08 - 10.50 milijuna gledatelja
S07E09 - 11.26 milijuna gledatelja
S07E10 - 11.61 milijuna gledatelja
S07E11 - 10.52 milijuna gledatelja
S07E12 - 11.96 milijuna gledatelja

Za novu epizodu:
S07E13 - 11.35 milijuna gledatelja

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« Odgovor #54 : 11.03.2009. 00:18:29 »
Uz onu scenu kad je Dzek ubio Kurtisa, ovo mi je bio definitivno najtuzniji trenutak u seriji.
Bil je bio stvarno strava lik. :( :(

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« Odgovor #55 : 13.03.2009. 16:04:34 »
Evo malo vesti.

24 - 07x16


As a major development changes the game for the country and Jack Bauer, the FBI is forced to collaborate with other federal agencies. Theories tying Starkwood to Sangala emerge, and the imminent threat targeting the nation places thousands of lives at risk. Meanwhile, after the day’s unthinkable setbacks, the administration seeks a new perspective in the “11:00 PM-Midnight” episode of 24 airing Monday, March 30 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-716) (TV-14 V)

Cast: Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer, Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O’ Brian, James Morrison as Bill Buchanan, Janeane Garofalo as Janis Gold, Cherry Jones as President Allison Taylor, Carlos Bernard as Tony Almeida, Annie Wersching as Renee Walker, Colm Feore as Henry Taylor, Bob Gunton as Ethan Kanin, Rhys Coiro as Sean Hillinger, Jeffrey Nordling as Larry Moss

Guest Cast: Jon Voight as Jonas Hodges; Michael Rodrick as Stokes; Sprague Grayden as Olivia Taylor; Kevin Fry-Bowers as Cooper; Connor Trinneer as Carl Gadsen; Glenn Morshower as Aaron Pierce; Cameron Daddo as Vice President Hayworth; Rory Cochrane as Greg Seaton; Stephen Jared as Greer

Source: FOX


E sad, mene buni ovo kako ce Bil da se pojavi kad je on mrtav?
Mozda je preziveo?
Stvarno me cudi, jer je ovo FOX zvanicno izjavio. A i glumac je potvrdio da je njegov lik mrtav.
A ne verujem da ce to da bude flashback, toga se nismo bas nagledali u ovoj seriji, jedino u prvoj sezoni u onoj zadnjoj epizodi, kad su ubili Teri.
I da, pojavice se i Aron Pirs. :)
Kao i Henri Tejlor. Bice mi veoma drago ako se on izvuce.
A videcemo i Tonija. ;) Po meni je on zasluzio mnogo vecu minutazu od ove koje dobija.
Uglavnom, ocekuju nas sve bolje i bolje epizode.
Dobro je pa nema pauze, nego svake nedelje izlaze nove epizode.
A ako bude kao i dosada, zadnje dve ce da izadju odjednom.
Sve ovo sto sam napisao je u vezi 16-te epizode.

A evo i najave za sledecu epizodu:

Najava mi izgleda odlicno, sa mnogo akcije. :)


Evo nesto poblize za sledecu epizodu:


Perilous circumstances lead Jack Bauer and Tony Almeida to a shipyard, and back at the FBI, Agent Moss needs complete cooperation from his staff when the stressful situation takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, First Daughter Olivia Taylor (guest star Sprague Grayden) becomes increasingly involved in the politicking, and the administration reels when a high-ranking official delivers devastating news in the "Day 7: 10:00 PM-11:00 PM" episode of 24 airing Monday, March 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-715) (TV-14 V)

Source: FOX
« Zadnja izmjena: 17.03.2009. 21:38:33 SuperSerb »

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« Odgovor #56 : 20.03.2009. 21:04:06 »
E sad, mene buni ovo kako ce Bil da se pojavi kad je on mrtav?
Mozda je preziveo?
Stvarno me cudi, jer je ovo FOX zvanicno izjavio. A i glumac je potvrdio da je njegov lik mrtav.

Misliš zbog toga što mu ime piše u Cast?
Možda to piše jer je bio u prošlim epizodama... kako da kažem: to će pisati u 24 epizodi.. k'o da je to postava cijele sezone.
A i bilo je glupo da je preživio jer su stavili "silent clock" (iako nije bio na kraju epizode).
I ja jedva čekam 15-u epizodu. ;)

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« Odgovor #57 : 21.03.2009. 22:03:45 »
Izaslo je 5 sneak peek-ova za sledecu epizodu:


Evo intervjua sa Jonom Voightom:

Who does evil better than Jon Voight? Not many and he’s proving it to audiences again with his Machiavellian turn as the latest uber-villain on the seventh season of ‘24.’ As Jonas Hodges, the head of the Starkwood Corporation, he’s been quietly pulling the strings behind General Juma’s (Tony Todd) audacious assault on the White House and President Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones). From a remote location, Hodges has been practically giddy setting up his nefarious plans like a brutal game of chess. Of course, don’t bet on an easy checkmate when Jack Bauer is sitting across the table from you - as Hodges is quickly learning.

Fancast recently had the opportunity to chat with Jon Voight about undertaking his first recurring role in a television series (at the age of 70!), crafting bad guys and his thoughts on retirement.

How did you get involved in this project?

Jon Voight: I think it was in a writing session, and somebody was trying to figure out how to make this character that they were composing. They mentioned my name, and I don’t know how they did it, but they said wouldn’t it be great if Jon would do it, or something like that. I don’t know exactly, but it was something nice like that, it was enthusiasm for my name. And then they came to me and we talked a little bit about it. And I haven’t done episodic television, so it was something new, but I had been a fan of Kiefer’s [Sutherland] and especially of this role. Early on with ‘24′ I had said to Kiefer that this was very important; he was doing something important in this role. So having had that moment with Kiefer and then having this, it was almost like closing a circle in the end of time.

Has the extended duration of television production allowed you to flesh out a character more than you would in other mediums?

Jon Voight: They hadn’t completed their portrait of this guy, in a sense until something is cast you never know exactly the direction it is going to be. And whoever you cast, they’re going to take it in another direction. So it was me and I tested a few things. I have been in this area before where I have to be kind of an intimidating force and I know how to do that a little bit. I made a few adjustments physically, but not too much. And then I knew that this guy should be mysterious, and I don’t want to reveal too much, but there was a lot of what I used of myself - my sense of humor, which can be perverse. And then the writers were giving me stuff that was so great and then sometimes I’d say this is not interesting enough, it’s too on the nose. Whatever it would be, I would try to flavor it as I went with the character that I finally discovered.

What can you tell us about the rest of the season?

Jon Voight: I can tell you that everybody who is on the production team who has seen the stuff cut is very excited about the season. They think it is a great season. From my own part I say the stuff that I have been part of and have done and that actors I have worked with, they are all very top level. It’s great.

Have you worked much with Kiefer directly?

Jon Voight: One scene. (hahaha, sigurno ga odma ubio)

How is that?

Jon Voight: It was good, thanks to Kiefer, because he insisted it be good.

Is it hard to play an adversary to someone that you know and like in real life?

Jon Voight: No. It is like playing tennis. You hit the ball over as hard as you can and you’re so grateful when somebody hits it back with a spin and then you do something and the other guy whacks it this way. It’s great! It’s like playing in center court at Wimbledon with a really great player, that’s fun.

In your long and varied career, what are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned?

Jon Voight: I have learned a lot of things. I’ve learned some life lessons that have been pretty severe. I’ve made big mistakes in life and I’ve had to face them and that makes you a much better person and a better artist as well if you can face things. If you hide from things, it diminishes you completely.

Have you enjoyed your television experiment?

Jon Voight: I have. I’ve had a very positive experience. I don’t know how much there will be in the future for me in that area, but this one has been totally positive. And I’ve made good friends here and really everything they said about the show being a team of great people has been true. And I have come away thinking I have contributed something too, so that’s nice.

Are you quite happy just to continue working as long as the work is there?

Jon Voight: Oh, yes, absolutely. The one thing about an actor is we can always find the roles for whatever age we are, there’s always something. You can play grandfathers or mad old men or whatever it is, you can always find roles. But I’m very lucky because I was very fortunate to have the longevity of that; very fortunate. And I’m glad that I can keep doing things that are exciting to people. People say, ‘Oh, this is good, give it to Jon, maybe he’ll do something, you know, this is great.
« Zadnja izmjena: 22.03.2009. 00:42:33 SuperSerb »

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« Odgovor #58 : 22.03.2009. 02:18:10 »
Uh, bit će dobra epizoda...  :)

I intervju je dobar (ono "one scene" clapp).

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« Odgovor #59 : 27.03.2009. 20:14:36 »
Procurelo je malo informacija o osmoj i o kraju sedmoj sezone:

More spoilers first Off Annie Werching,Renee ,if not mentioned before will return for Season 8 .She will have a romantic involvement with Jack That came from a canadian interview with Kiefer

Season 8 takes place 6 weeks after Season 7

Season 7 Jack is sick ,as anyone who saw Mondays nights show Jack was exposed to poison gas ,Renee has to be the one to call Kim to tell her,that her Dad is sick

Some of the Season 7 DVD deleted scenes have been leaked

ack and Renee will have a relationship in Season 8 .Renee is the one who is first to know Jack is sick, and cares for him .How sick is he will Jack die in Season 8 ending 24 ?

Here is the DVd extras leaked

Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary by Co-Executive Producer Stephen Kronish and Producer Paul Gadd
Ep 718, Sc 71834 Agent Walker tells Kim that Jack is sick
Ep 718, Sc 71837 Kim visits her father
Ep 721, Sc 72101 President Taylor and Tim Woods discuss the emergency response protocols
Ep 724, Sc 72403 Tony drags Jack
Ep 724, Sc 72412 President Taylor doubts herself
Ep 724, Sc 72415 The contingency plan is revealed
Ep 724, Sc 72436 Agent Walker orders that the suspect be transported back to FBI
Ep 724, Sc 72437 Tim worries about President Taylor

Kiefer and others have said that 24 could go on without Jack

Season 8 will only be 6 weeks from end of Season 7 .so one figures a lot has to happen at the end of the season to quickly move onto Season 8

In an interview with the Toronto Star, Toronto-born Kiefer Sutherland revealed that not only does Agent Renee Walker survive the rigors of Day 7 but that she and Jack Bauer will both be back next fall - as a couple, or at least as much of a couple as their jobs allow.

“We figured if you can’t fall in love under the circumstances of life and death, you’re in big trouble,” Sutherland told the paper. “One of the things that has brought them together so quickly is this desperate need for each other to survive. Nothing brings people closer together than that.”

Channel Guide Magazine “24″ - Kiefer Sutherland Reveals A Romantic Spoiler For Day 8

Kiefer quoted in Parade says this about the last episode of Season 7

Q: Give us a hint about the much anticipated last episode of this season's 24.

A: The most I can tell you about it is that it's not going to end because someone cuts two wires and the clock on the bomb stops. It is going to end with some of the characters going through a very difficult emotional dilemma which will be much more dramatic than a big action sequence. I believe that it's the most powerful important ending that we've ever had to a season.

24 - 1:00 AM-2:00 AM - Press Release


Kim Bauer (Guest Star Elisha Cuthbert) Returns

Jack Bauer endures the elements and fights on to prevent an attack that could change the country forever. As the catastrophic blow to the nation nears, Tony Almeida operates from the field and Kim Bauer (guest star Elisha Cuthbert), who was last seen in Season Five, returns. Meanwhile, the stakes are raised when the administration is faced with a blackmail scenario in the “1:00 AM-2:00 AM” episode of 24 airing Monday, April 13 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-718) (TV-14 V)

Cast: Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer, Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O’ Brian, James Morrison as Bill Buchanan, Janeane Garofalo as Janis Gold, Cherry Jones as President Allison Taylor, Carlos Bernard as Tony Almeida, Annie Wersching as Renee Walker, Colm Feore as Henry Taylor, Bob Gunton as Ethan Kanin, Rhys Coiro as Sean Hillinger and Jeffrey Nordling as Larry Moss

Guest Cast: Jon Voight as Jonas Hodges; Elisha Cuthbert as Kim Bauer; Michael Rodrick as Stokes; Sprague Grayden as Olivia Taylor; Glenn Morshower as Aaron Pierce; Frank John Hughes as Tim Woods; Marci Michelle as Agent Marci; Rory Cochrane as Greg Seaton; Philip Anthony-Rodriguez as Tom Chapman; Gabriel Casseus as Galvez

Source: Fox
« Zadnja izmjena: 28.03.2009. 20:52:05 SuperSerb »
