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Smallville S08E16 - Turbulence
Cetvrtak Mart 19, 2009
Zadnja epizoda je bila odlicna videdli smo sta bi bilo kad bi C.K. bio Famous..... 8)
Koliko znam najavili su 9 sezonu i drago mi je.... ;D
Smallville Season 8 Episode 16 - Turbulence
17 Epizoda nije bila losa samo smo saznali da Tess Mercer zeli da sazna sve o Clarku (isto kao Lex)......videli smo da Doomsday ne moze da se kontrolise odnosno da ga samo Cloi moze kontrolisati dodirom....
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Cet Mar 26, 2009
Smallville S08E17 - Hex
Episode 8-17 - Hex - Spoiler
The CW's Official Description (Posted 3/5/09): IT’S FREAKY FRIDAY FOR CHLOE AND LOIS WHEN DC CHARACTER ZATANNA APPEARS — At Chloe’s (Allison Mack) birthday party, a mysterious magician named Zatanna (guest star Serinda Swan) grants Chloe’s wish to be more like Lois (Erica Durance) and switches the two into each other’s bodies. Zatanna searches for her father’s book of spells so she can conjure up his spirit but not before also granting Clark (Tom Welling) his deepest wish. Aaron Ashmore and Justin Hartley also star. Description posted on KryptonSite. Mairzee Almas directed the episode written by Bryan Q. Miller (#3T7467).
UPDATED 3/5/09: Even though the official description contradicts this, we still are under the impression that it's not a direct body swap - Allison Mack will not be playing Lois.
- Even though a majority of Erica Durance's sceen time is as Chloe-as-Lois, Lois is present for Chloe's birthday party before leaving town on a story. She returns at episode's end and shares a scene with Clark.
UPDATED 1/21/09: TV Guide's Matt Mitovich has confirmed that it is indeed Zatanna in this episode, and she will be played by an actress named Serinda Swan.
UPDATED 1/3/09: Clark's birthday gift for Chloe is a vintage copy of "Tales of the Weird & Unexplained."
- Jimmy does not attend Chloe's birthday party. However, he does have a conversation with Chloe when she appears to be Lois.
- Clark learns fairly early on that "Lois" is actually Chloe.
UPDATED 12/22/08: From Entertainment Weekly's Ausiello: "In one scene from the ep, Clark stares lovingly into Chloe's eyes, but only because he thinks it's Lois. It's at that moment that Chloe learns how hard Clark has fallen for Lois. Um, awkward!"
- And an addition from TV Guide's Matt Mitovich: "a truly magical magician fulfills Chloe's wish to have Lois' "easy" life ... by transplanting her into her cousin's body. While my frenemy already teased a "longing look" between Clark and "Lois" — and Erica Durance's admirers can obviously count on seeing gobs of their fave actress — Chloe fans should be very pleased with an epiphany their girl reaches at episode's end. By the way, you know Clark gets a wish granted as well, right?"
- Contrary to some speculation, Chloe's "epiphany" does not end with reviving her journalism career.
- Clark's "wish" of course is to lead a simpler life - he says it but doesn't exactly expect it to be granted, nor is he aware that "Cassie" will make it happen.
- Erica Durance will be playing Chloe-as-Lois.
UPDATED 12/15/08: The episode starts with a celebration of Chloe's birthday at the Ace of Clubs.
- Lois is out of town during the period when Chloe is "Lois" so the two won't share any screen time or give us a case of double-vision. (Lois is there for the birthday party, goes off on assignment, and is back by episode's end, though)
- Time in Lois Lane's shoes reveals Clark's feelings for Lois to Chloe.
- A spell is cast on Clark that makes him believe he is a simple reporter with glasses.
UPDATED 12/9/08: This episode puts a spin on the "Chlois theory" as a magic spell turns Chloe into Lois... literally.
- Cassidy Freeman (Tess) and Sam Witwer (Davis) do not appear in this episode.
UPDATED 12/8/08:
- The episode's guest is a character named "Cassie" whose father taught her about sorcery before he passed away. We're wondering if "Cassie" might be a substitute name for the DC Comics magician character Zatanna, much like "Melissa" was substituted for "Maxima" in initial leaks. Many Silver Age DC Comic books told the tale of Zatanna looking for her father, Zatara. Interesting trivia: Zatara first appeared in the same comic book that introduced Superman - Action Comics #1!
- Cassie tries to get Oliver to believe in witchcraft, and comes to him for help. Apparently Lex had obtained an item before he disappeared that she would like to obtain. She offers to give Oliver his "deepest desire" if he helps her. Source: KryptonSite
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Petak April 03, 2009 - Download
Smallville 8x18 - Eternal
Nije valjda da niko ne prati ovu seriju....
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Petak April 24, 2009 - Download
Smallville 8x18 - Stiletto
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