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--- Citat: AlejaSerija - 16.11.2016. 17:40:07 ---ovdje se radi o indeksiranju sajtova od strane Google i svaki sajt koji nema tu podršku biće loše indeksiran

--- Kraj citata ---

ovo je tačno, o tome se dosta pisalo po netu.


--- Citat: heller - 16.11.2016. 17:51:25 ---
--- Citat: AlejaSerija - 16.11.2016. 17:40:07 ---ovdje se radi o indeksiranju sajtova od strane Google i svaki sajt koji nema tu podršku biće loše indeksiran

--- Kraj citata ---

ovo je tačno, o tome se dosta pisalo po netu.

--- Kraj citata ---
Radi se o tome da sve više korisnika pretražuje internet sa svojim mobilnim telefonima i tablet uređajima.Pa se tako i webstranice prilagođavaju tim uređajima.

PO team:
Otkako je ubačen https, pogubile su se sve skripte na forumu kad ulaziš s moba. Sad ga vidim "golog". Pišem s Androida.

pogledam danas navecer

Google je razdvojio search index na Mobile i Desktop a prioritet je na mobilne uređaje, ako nemate website/forum prilagođen navedenom doći će do lošeg indeksiranja i lošeg SEO.


--- Citat: ---This was announced at PubCon in Vegas, and will stress test style design for all software to ensure they include Googles new baby, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), as an automatic rendering engine within the style, so when a mobile is calling the page, AMP is available and offered with ease if the user does not want the full page content.

Performance is everything for mobile search results. Google make no secret that the fastest pages get the highest rankings, everything else can fight amongst itself.

With a new mobile index taking priority in the coming months, AMP now means everything. Wordpress are all over this, allowing full automatic conversion already, along with additional developers adding features to the automatic versioning.
--- Kraj citata ---


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