Je li iko od vas pogledao malo bolje post od Ben Dovera? Ako ste toliko lenji da čitate, micro$oft vas preko w10 špijunira, prima sve što otkucate i radite, beleži vas glas, slika vas preko veb kamere... I na kraju, šta fali sedmici?

-It sends all text you type anywhere (not just into search) every 30 minutes to MS. If you type about a holiday to your blog, next day youll see holiday ads.
- every 30 minutes it sends your geolocation and network info
-if you type a telephone number into Edge it sends it to MS after 5 min
-if you type anywhere in windows a name of some movie, windows will start indexing all your media files after a while and will send it to MS after 30 minutes of your inactivity
-after installing W10, it will send about 35MB of data once
-after turning on your webcam for the first time it sends data to microsoft once. Probably your photo.
-everything you say is transferred to MS, it works even if you disable and remove and uninstall cortana. Parts of Cortana are needed for the core of the OS to run. Confirmed by MS helpdesk. You can be identified by your voice anywhere near a microphone after they get enough data from you.
-Voice to text is transferred instantly
-voice is transferred every 15 min, 80MB of data
-after 15 minutes of your inactivity or when screensaver is on, network activity ramps up and everything else is being sent to MS
-blocking in hosts doesnt work, IPs are hardcoded into their code and DLLs
Other info: Ima nagovešataja i da će kasnije blokrati sav piratski softver i igre. Srećno